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Inici - Albert Gimenez (Lleida, 1980) és dissenyador i emprenedor. Es va titular en telecomunicacions i, entre d’altres llocs, ha treballat en sectors de l'Energia Renovable, Finances, Sistemes de Telecomunicació i Disseny/programació de pàgines web.

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  • C. Denslow - Current users left out in the cold by greedy pricing model.

    Microsoft has decided to eliminate upgrade pricing on Office 2010. This is supposed to "simplify" things for us poor old consumers who don't understand anything. Well, I understand the concept of a 40% price hike just fine, thank you. The only thing they are simplifying is how to line their pockets at our expense. Now they are focusing on these BS keycard licenses, that only work with office preloaded on new computers and lock the software to one machine. I guess MS doesn't care about current users of office anymore. So, if I want to "upgrade", and since I need MS-Access, it would cost me $500. No way. Sticking with 2007. Too bad there is no open office equivalent to Outlook or Access. If there were, I would ditch office completely.

  • mike perkovich - Great

    I really enjoyed this book. Real great suspense. I could not put it down I just kept reading. I will have to check out his other stories.

  • Cordell Wise - The revelations of the press systematically vilify ingredients Hitler was ...

    The revelations of the press systematically vilify ingredients Hitler was a plausible assertion (true or not). But the pattern of manipulation by the hidden hand lends credence to the assertions.