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  • The Red Queen - This product has truly changed my quality of life! ...

    This product has truly changed my quality of life! I have more energy than ever, no joint aches, no fibromyalgia pain, less digestive troubles, more hair, and stronger fingernails. And that's just to start. A lifesaver!

  • Claudette Adler - cleans, softens and keeps the color

    I looked at Wen and this product and compared the price, for one, and what people had to say about both. I decided that enough had good things to say about this one that I took the plunge. You definitely need the bit of extra time in the shower for this stuff to work right. I have medium short hair that is color treated red. This color fades fast in most cases, but since I started using this the color is staying vibrant longer and my hair is shedding less. I follow the directions mostly. I squirt about 5 pumps in and massage it around my head, after wetting my hair for about 30 seconds, and yes it is weird to get used to no lather. After I scrub lightly for about 30 seconds I add another 2 pumps and pile my hair in an upward motion, same as when I color my hair, and leave it on until I finish doing the other tasks I do in the shower which I guess would be the equivalent of 3-5 minutes. I rinse thoroughly and get going. My hair has a lot more body and styles better since I have been using this. I am sure the Wen products work great, but I am not paying that kind of price for a bottle of "shampoo". It may not work for everybody, but it works great for me and I would recommend it to anybody. I think it smells pretty decent too.