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archeolatry - (n.) the worship of archaic customs, expressions, etc. ~ A chronicle of obsessions, a smattering of curious images, and the occasional rusty clank of fandoms colliding.

  • archeolatry - The Thing That Came in the Night - The Thing That Came in the Night (Jon x Reader) Words: 1657 Fifth in a series. (Part 1 / King in the North / The White Wolf / Skins) Aside from the bread and salt, which was taken with great...
  • archeolatry - Post - BotB...JonxReader - Post - BotB...JonxReader letsasoiaftogether: “ Imagine helping Jon clean up after the Battle of the Bastards. ((Saw this idea floating around and…well…here ya go. I got carried away. SORRY if Jon’s a...
  • archeolatry - King in the North - King in the North (Jon x Reader) Words: 1,993 A kinda-sorta sequel to this smutty bit here. The shouts rumbled like thunder over the Bay of Ice. “KING IN THE NORTH! KING IN THE NORTH!” The very stones...
  • archeolatry - The White Wolf - The White Wolf (Jon x Reader) Words: 1,438 Third in a series, with King in the North being the second part, and this smutty bit here being the first part. “He broods even in his sleep,” you think to...
  • archeolatry - Skins - Skins (Jon x Reader) Words: 1,813 Fourth in a series. (Part 1 / King in the North / The White Wolf) Jon leapt from the bed and hurried to dress himself. His smallclothes were on and he was tying his...
  • archeolatry - justjensenanddean: (Well, I guess we know... - justjensenanddean: “ (Well, I guess we know where Dean was conceived…) Dean Winchester | 12x01 Keep Calm and Carry On ” This was my favorite bit of this episode! I realized ‘that look’ about ten...
  • archeolatry - Could you please write a part 4 of the Jon Snow x... - Anonymous said: Could you please write a part 4 of the Jon Snow x reader story? :D Answer: I’m almost done with that, actually. Just need a couple brief bits of dialogue. Parts 5 and 6 are plotted,...
  • archeolatry - I can get the boat, and I can get the goat. I... - I can get the boat, and I can get the goat. I cannot, however, borrow the goat to put it on the boat, which is incredibly frustrating.
  • archeolatry - lilacdelight: Game of Thrones Season 6 Bloopers... - lilacdelight: “ “Game of Thrones Season 6 Bloopers (x) ” ” Edd’s face, tho!

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  • Sue H - Political Thriller

    3.5 stars. This is the second book in The Newsmakers series. The Candidate is the first novel by Lis Wiehl that I have read so I wasn't sure what to expect. What I found was a well written political thriller. It is a standalone but continues the story that started with The Newsmakers book. There is violence.

  • M. Rufe - Better than expected

    I knew this was going to be a great bag from all the reviews. This has exceeded my expectations by far.

  • Noline - I followed the detox for 10 days. I only ...

    I followed the detox for 10 days. I only lost 5 pounds, but I broke my physical addiction to sugar. Withdrawal for the first 7 days were really tough, but it left me with more energy.