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I must say I was skeptical that this would work but after using the machine for 4 years now I can truly say it has been the best investment I have ever made in my skin! I used to have blemishes and rough dry patchy skin that would actually flake and feel uncomfortable with seasonal changes - this has cleared up completely and I regularly get compliments on my skin.
I'm a big fan of the Windows Server Unleashed books. I have purchased editions for Server 2008 and R2 and enjoyed them. I think this time around they were in too much of a hurry.
This is the best protein product I have run across. I take it every morning first thing. I am a 54 year old triathlete and this product has got me performing like I am in my 20's again. If you are looking for the strongest nutritional supplement to give you that extra strength or endurance, this is it. I have spent thousands of dollars over the last 3 years looking for the supplement for athletes. I can save you all the time and money, here it is.
This is only for interstate highways, not state roads. That said, this book is highly useful on road trips. Just got back from a 4000-mile, multi-week road trip in our RV and it was great to know how far it was to the next fuel station designed to accommodate RVs, distance to the next roadside rest stop and what services were available at each exit on that day's route. Just knowing where the next Wal-Mart, Lowe's, Cracker Barrel or other business with big enough parking lots to accommodate our RV so we could stop for a lunch break or a nap was highly useful. Yes, we could have found a lot of the same info on our smart phone, but some of the mountainous places we traveled through didn't have cell phone reception.
It's good to be back in the world of the Ghostbusters. I thought this volume was a great introduction back in the Ghostbuster world. The story does take items and ideas from the first two movies, video games, etc. I think this is a good thing. It captures a good bit of nostalgia that affected alot of our childhoods, but also guides the reader into the direction of where this new chapter of the Ghostbuster saga is headed. I think it's a great way to help mend the cap of all the years that the Ghosbusters were vacant from our life. What really caught my eye was the art and the color of this series. I think it's spot on and goes well with the feel of the Ghosbusters franchise. I think it perfectly ties in the fun adventure feeling of the Ghostbusters with being able to still hold that creepy feeling of the ghosts they face. I highly recommend this book for Ghostbuster fanatics or anyone who has enjoyed the movies, or anyone looking for a fun paranormal read with moments of creepiness.
I was skeptical, but keeping an open mind ordered this mat. I have been sitting on it while on the computer, or watching TV in the evenings. Within 5-10 minutes I sense a calm, easiness to my physical body. It feels like I'm "home". Settled in my body...not stressing or anxious for the next thing to happen. If you are an energy worker, or into bio-energetics, you probably will feel this field. All my energy worker friends agree with what I have posted. 😀
Had to return this backpack. Way too small, much smaller than picture shows. Other than that it was fine. hooo