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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • StrawberryJoe - Good Value for the Money

    We purchased this model from BrandSmart, in an Atlanta, GA suburb. Delivery and setup went well and the refrigerator / freezer / ice maker appear to work as advertised. As indicated by another buyer, the ice maker delivers crushed ice and cubed ice very slowly, but we can live with it. We noticed that the refrigerator section took many hours to cool down to our desired 34 degree setting, and only with the help of the power cooling feature. Once it reached the set temperature it seemed to maintain it without difficulty. We upgraded to this from a 24-year old, no-frills, top-freezer Frigidaire, so we have a bit of a learning curve to negotiate. All things considered, it appears to be good value for the money.

  • Amazon Customer - Music sucks!

    The game is ok. My kids love it but the music sucks. Only 2 good songs. The rest of the songs are really old. It's the 21st century no one wants to hear this old garbage. "Hit the the road jack". Is this a game for 2016 or an old school jam mixtape?

  • gsownsby - Bitdefender/Windows 8/Lenovo U310 Touch - Bad Company

    For several weeks after installing Bitdefender on my new Lenovo U310 Touch running Windows 8, my PC stopped being blazing fast on bootup and normal use. Contacts with Bitdefender Tech Support were promptly answered and all instructions given were followed; however, the situation did not improve. They even provided the 2014 version to me at no charge to see if it change. At a few points of high frustration, I had every intention to use Windows Uninstall to remove it but when attempting to uninstall, Bitdefender offers the option to repair so I tried that on at least three occasions but again no real improvement.

  • Amazon Customer - These shoes look real and are a good replica. The shipping took ten days to get ...

    These shoes look real and are a good replica.The shipping took ten days to get to me but they are worth the money and my shoes did have a boost logo on the bottom of the shoe

  • Jennifer - Perfect for my Boxer

    Bought this for my Boxer. Very roomy for him. Easy to put together and nice looking. Only concern is where the roof connects at the peak leaves a small gap. Will need to put some flex seal or something there to prevent the rain from dripping inside. Other than that, really like it.

  • garo - Seems pretty good after I put an SSD in it

    Seems pretty good after I put an SSD in know it's time that all laptops have SSD's as standard.....please no more 5400 rpm HD's!! Also upon removing the MB to install more memory I found no expansion slot...just 4gb of RAM soddered to the board. So it's limited to 4gb RAM. If anyone sees different please let me know. All-in-all can't complain for the price.