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When the product arrived, I got a call at work asking that I come home and help the delivery guy move it into the house. The box was damaged and I noted that on the shipping document.
Our office got undersized UPS' and computers were crashing and overheating because they were starved for the power they required using cad. I bought this and took it to work and have had no problems whatsoever. You do not need to install software either and can set it up on the UPS itself with the manual as guidance. I love it and can keep my devices charged easily with the available 2.1 amp USB ports.
I purchased this download to get the product key so I could renew my current installation of Norton 360. For whatever reason, Norton informed me when I attempted to use the key that it was not compatible with my installed copy of Norton360. I have no idea how one can tell which version of 360 might be compatible with another version, if there is actually a difference and not merely an excuse to force me to purchase an annual renewal directly from Norton for $60.
I took a urinalysis for a job that I really wanted, but the clinic that I did the lab work at lost my information in the system. So I got a last minute call from the company (on a thursday) telling me that I had 2 days to complete a hair sample. I was floored but I did some research and found this product. I used it that Saturday and went into a facility to complete a hair sample. Needless to say, I got a call from the company informing me of my start date. I can't help but accredit some if not most of this to the shampoo. But I also have to disclose the fact that I am not a heavy smoker. I had smoked one joint a month prior to testing after MONTHS of a dry spell. I was more concerned with the opiates that may have been present in the hair sample. But again I start the job I've wanted next month. I'd say this product is worth a shot at least *shrugs