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Country:, Europe, CZ

City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • D. Cuba - two years with middle schooler, and still in great shape.

    I got this for my middle school son, two years ago. I am shopping for backpacks for my other kids, because theirs (not High Sierra) are pretty beat up after only one school year. I just inspected my son's High Sierra, and it is in great shape! He is about to start his third school year with his High Sierra Loop, and I have no plans of replacing it. I am very impressed with the durability of this model.

  • belinda - just garbage

    thought i was getting a great buy until after a month my picture fell off the wall an broke. Tthere should be a way the company should be held accountable for your damaged goods. Works fine for a few weeks then sticker comes right off the wall now i had missing wall paper patches wish i could hand out zero minus stars