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  • Amazon Customer - I am satisfied generally speaking with how the supplements control my hankerings ...

    The main day, I just took 1 pill before 2 distinct suppers to check whether I would encounter some anxiety or whatever other clever reactions. What's more, I am upbeat to say I didn't see anything. It positively didn't influence my rest. I noticed when supper arrived, I wasn't eager however I ate at any rate and was just ready to eat a large portion of my feast. I additionally saw no nibbling amid the day.

  • Retail Therapy Patient - Amazed at how this works bu the color is not what it seems

    I'm amazed with how well this system works. I've never tried any other gel manicure set so I'm not comparing it to anything but plain nail polish. I'm a nail polish enthusiast. I enjoy siting down and doing my nails but I find it hard to keep up on them during a busy week or weeks. This is freaking awesome! It is super shiny, and it's truly dry when your done curing it. It feels a little gummy but that's normal, it's not wet (which was what I thought at first) it's some byproduct of the gel curing. The "cleaner" they send in the kit is rubbing alcohol. I ran out of it so I'm using one inch medical alcohol swabs and they are perfect. I wore the manicure for 7 days with no chips or problems and changed it simply because I felt like having a new color. The only reason this didn't get 5 stars is because the polish color is no where near the package's description. It is a very subtle pale pinkish/nude color, it is opaque and I like it but I ordered this particular kit because I wanted brighter pink nails for vacation. I used 3 thick coats of polish and it came to a pale pink and dried fine even with the extra coats of polish. The gel makes my nails stronger, they aren't easy to break or tear anymore. Removing it is a pain but it only follows, the longer it lasts the more difficult to remove. Anyway I'm extremely happy I bought this, I have weekend plans to do my nails with my sisters so they can try it out. Also it's around 10 bucks more expensive at the drug store near my house so it's a bargain.

  • Karlenea - Didn't work for my fine, curly hair.

    Unfortunately this didn't work for me. I have fine, curly, low porosity white girl hair, there's just a lot of it. In order to get my hair straight I need weight and heat. This unit couldn't deliver either in the levels I needed it. I brushed then ran the straightener through my hair a few times. What I ended up with was the equivalent of a bad blow dry, attempting to be straight but really just a heap of frizz. I ran over it several times with the flat iron then added Argan oil and ran the flat iron over it again (trying to tame the frizz). For me, this wasn't the miracle tool I had hoped for. It might work for thicker hair but fine hair, it's a nope.

  • nemo - Completely Useless

    This has to be the single worst purchase I've made this year. To be fair, the competitor "Tile" was nearly as bad. The software has an unintelligible user interface. I've been a software developer for 30+ years and I can't make heads or tails of it. The device itself regularly makes sounds for no apparent reason, hanging on my key rack just yards from my phone. When I walk into my bedroom where the WiFi signal is weak I am regularly asked if I forgot my keys. There is no way to stop it unless I disable that feature altogether. When my keys are really lost it is no help at all. It will show them on a map, but at first you don't know it is a map because there is nothing but a blank background. If you zoom in you will see it is the area around your home, or wherever you are. If it happens to be within range you are given a hot/cold display, sort of, but it is equally useless in actually finding your keys. My wife and I have searched in vain for a way in the user interface to simply play a sound when the keys are missing. I can't understand how anyone gets any value from this at all.