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Awesome for what it is. We had a more than our money's worth of fun with it at the river. It's fun to punch a hole in somebody's can when they're not expecting it and they have no choice but to shotgun the rest of their beer. Thumbs up from me
Excellent suspension, very economic 3.5lt engine, luxury features, highest re-sale prices in the market.
I heard about this from a sweet lady at my work about a month ago. If you read up on this item, there is ALOT of "research" about it so i started taking it with a clear mind so I'm not victim to the placebo effect. Here are things that i can confirm with confidence that have changed since i started taking this 4 weeks ago.
I've used these patches for many years, but never with this much bulk product and great price. They arrived quickly and I needed them badly (been doing some heavy lifting). The smell is mild compared to some salves, almost pleasant if your perception is also that they are getting to work on your muscle problems. I don't have much body hair, so I only experience a slight pinching sensation when removing them. I haven't experimented with their removal. I would highly recommend these patches barring someone to give you a therapeutic or soothing massage. Here's to your health!
This product is older than the hills but very soothing, It used to say that it was good for anything that ailed us----human or pets or whatever!!!! So---My brother & I call it "MAN 'n BEAST"!!!! It smells like the love my Grandmother gave to us when we were little kids & still works really well to sooth & comfort.
Bought this for my sons school project as we needed a burner to boil water. There were reviews that mentioned the smell of smoke and I had that too. However, (to me) that was just a new electronic appliance doing its thing where you smell that electric smell or see a little smoke the first time you use it. After that, no smell, no smoke, works perfectly.