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Recovery Month 2014 - Home - Recovery Month promotes the societal benefits of prevention, treatment, and recovery for mental and substance use disorders, celebrates people in recovery, lauds the contributions of treatment and service providers, and promotes the message that recovery in all its forms is possible. Recovery Month spreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective and people can and do recover.

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  • R. Tsigelman - I like this baby vac

    I like this baby vac...the only downside is that it must go into your vacuum and there is no protection for the nasal discharge from rushing into the tubing and into the vacuum. I have to stop it before that happens. It has a collection area, but it doesn't stay in there or go in there, it goes all over and into the tubing...Does anyone have advise??

  • Aubthewriter - Great inspiration

    I heard from a friend that I should buy this book to help me with my screenplays and novels I'm working on. I'm able to now structure my query letter the way the professionals want to see it written, and also able to have a sat selection of publishers and agents. It has gotten me motivated to pursue my career in writing. I will definitely be buying the next years book! I also like this book because it has good ideas for journalism, writing freelance, and also how to self publish your own book. I also like the photojournalism section because I also do photography. One stop shop in this book!! Recommended it to several other writers I know. Good buy and you get a lot for the price! Won't be disappointed!!

  • Bernadette G. - It's nice

    My friend buys WEN. I was interested but there was NO WAY I would pay that much for shampoo. My hair is chemically treated, long, straight and super dry all the time. I thought I would give this stuff a try. I do like it, except all the pumps it takes to coat my hair makes my hand cramp! They should put it in a squirt bottle or something. There is no lather, it is like a thick, rich cream. I get a cool sensation on my scalp, it rinses out easily and leaves my hair soft. I like that I can have just one small bottle in the shower instead of 2 large ones. It definitely works better that any drugstore shampoo/conditioner set I've tried. And I've tried them all.

  • John H. - Great Way to Add Caffeine to Anything

    I am a huge caffeine addict, well maybe I should say aficionado. I am always on the lookout to try new caffeine products, whether they be energy drinks, coffees, pills or products like this one, energy sticks. These sticks looked really interesting to me so I just had to try them. I was very curious about how they worked, how they tasted and, most importantly, how they make me feel.