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We are EMGO - EMGO - Welcome to the EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research. The EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research (EMGO+) is one of the interfaculty research institutes of the VU Medical Center and the VU University of Amsterdam.

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  • bigmomma - Don't waste your money on this thing

    Don't waste your money on a Roomba. When I first got mine, I was very happy with it. I didn't expect it to replace my regular vac, just wanted it to run around the house a couple of days a week to pick up dust and crumbs off the hardwood floors. It did just that for a very short time--then it just stopped caring. Now all it does it meander around kicking all the crumbs around the room and just riding over any dust or other debris without picking it up. I don't know what happened. I've cleaned it thoroughly several times. I've replaced the brushes and other parts. I keep the lint trap thing-y cleaned out. I've even read countless "how to fix it" web sites trying to figure out if there is anything else I can do to make it actually act like a vacuum again. But, nothing has worked.

  • Minji Gu - Nice product

    Using a circular motion gently apply Palmer's Massage Cream for Stretch Marks to Tummy, Hips, Thighs, Bust and other areas prone to stretch marks.

  • Tanya Davidson - Love.. love

    Love this product it really lives up to its expectations. I am on my third jar. And loving it.