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  • Elizabeth P Breau - Excellent trip planning tool

    Rick Steves does it again, providing an interesting itinerary and useful tourist details. Like his other guides, this one will help me make the most of a planned 3 week roadtrip through Spain.

  • Terry Carpenter - Review of Norton 360

    I have used Norton 360 in the past with no problems. However, during the installation of the Norton 360 purchased from Amazon my computer crashed and had to be taken in for recovery and repairs. Since I had opened the software in order to install it on my computer, it was not eligible for return. Therefore, I lost the purchase amount plus the cost of repairs to my computer. I would not recommend purchasing this product from Amazon.

  • Lawrence Chettiar - Not enough information, only has tests

    Not enough information, just list of topics for exam, the same information is available on the

  • Aviator696 - Fantastic knives, but they require a little TLC

    All of these negative reviews are making my brain hurt. I have been using Cutco knives for 10 years and they are amazing. Before you buy into some of these BS reviews, please allow me to state a few facts: