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    We had some friends that told us about this and showed us the before and after pictures and it looked promising. However, my wife and I both tried it and had absolutely zero results. It stinks (like awful stinch...why can't they understand that about something that goes on your face?), it makes your skin tight and feels terrible on, and quite frankly doesn't work in our 2 month "trying to be a believer opinion"

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    These plates are durable and an excellent value. I have purchased them three times and will continue to do so.

  • Non denom - only after I installed this stupid app. I took it off my phone after ...

    Started receiving a lot of ridiculous text, only after I installed this stupid app. I took it off my phone after two days. RIDICULOUS.

  • Dennis Hill - UPSET CONSUMER

    The unit I purchased did not work I went to a local audio store to have it install an paid out money for an install that didn't happen because the unit didn't work an now I'm out of cash for both the Unit an the installation. This is BS!