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My dog was diagnosed with Autoimmune hemolytic anemia - AIHA. She was placed on immuran and prednisone. I placed her on transfer factor along with it. After a week her PCV rose to the normal range. The Vets told me that she would always be on immuran and prednisone for the rest of her life. After 6 months I slowly weaned her off immuran, and prednisone.(important to go very slow) and kept her on the transfer factor. That was in 2005. It's the last evening in 2012 as I write this and my dog is still with me and never had another relapse. I recommend this for canines and felines. Make sure you look up the info for pets online ( shirleyswellness dot com ) is a great research resource for humans and animals. Excellent product.
installed on 2004 Dodge ram all mounting hardware and electrical connections were ,compatible excellent service.
Firstly the packaging it came in was really esay looking and professional so I was really impressed by that. The instructions to follow are so easy; all I had to do was press the centre button on the headphones and they turned on, then connect to them on your phones bluetooth, simple. They are also rechargeable, but I haven't needed to charge them yet after a few days which probably means that they have a good battery life.
I am presently on my 3rd or 4th jar of Emuaid. It is the only medication that gives me relief from vulvadynia I use every day morning and night.
Its ok but middle mouse button breaks easily everything else is wonderful for people with big hands like myself.
This is not a heavy duty machine plain and simple. More like a little Ford Ranger dress up like a Ford HD. Same drive train as the Ranger with the HD body on it. Now, I admit I am a novice at sewing, you know just the odds and ends projects and an occasional mend and patches. Here's the deal - The first machine I had for less that 1hr and took it back! Jumped timing simply sewing a fly rod case. And when the 2nd machine jumped timing I took to get it repaired. Hmm, maybe its something I'm doing wrong? A week later I got it back. I was on my second fleece beanie when bam! Jumped timing again. Its fleece for gods sake! OK, I know its through double seams but that's why I wanted Heavy duty!!!!!!!!! Thanks to YouTube I took a lesson in sewing machine repair 101 and learned how to fix it myself. Trust me if you use this machine you better be mechanically inclined and be able to use YouTube cuz its going to jump time I guarantee it. And unless you want to wait a week for the machine to get repaired each time it jumps time you'll need to school up one some sewing machine timing repair 101. Its not a bad machine don't get me wrong for Suzy pillow maker - But as for me NO. I surely believe calling it Heavy duty is very misleading.. well, Misleading may be an understatement - False advertising seem more appropriate.