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  • KeepingFaith - Always use McAfee

    I have always used McAfee on all my pcs' and always will.......though this last version would not intall on my Toshiba, so I went to their website and had to call them, and they installed it.........otehrwise, I always purchase the newest version eack year, ( you can nevere be too cautious) and each site shows that it is approved and safe, I like that feature!

  • Eugene Ghiglia - Krud buster

    This stuff actually works OK. I wouldn't rate it as Industrial Strength, but it's not harsh or irritating either. I've used it on old grime and grease with moderate success, and on newly spilled oils or messes with almost total cleaning results.

  • garrianna - good vinyl albumn

    This is J.Coles best albumn so far and by far the best rap albumn of 2014.Cole has more heart and flow than most of the rappers that dominate pop and hip hop stations. He is a true rapper and I hope that Cole continues to grow and rap about topics other main stream rappers ignore.

  • deutschlanddeutschland - best uhd tv for the money

    Really quite please with the picture quality of this TV. Initially purchased a 50 inch but found it to be too big for our apartment. After returning it however, we purchased a 43 inch which works better although I think the jump from 43 to 50 is too big. We were easily able to set up our wifi, amazon, and youtube accounts. the web browser is pretty basic but it works. installing the smartview app on iphones was easy and were initially impressed with it until it stopped working abruptly. It simply wouldn't connect. It later started working again, perhaps on its own, not sure but we did attempt to update the firmware although we already had the most current (we've read a lot of complaints about the smartview app online). the picture quality and the audio for us seems exceptional. there are a lot of snobs who've reviewed both aspects and complained but seriously those people need to get a life. I definitely recommend the tv. consider your size needs before purchasing.

  • Jack_238 - Worked for me

    This stuff worked for me. I cannot imagine it would work for every situation. I think where there is a high pressure leak it would be more likely to fail or fail sooner.