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  • Innovative tagging technique may help researchers better protect f...( Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are ofte...) - ...Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are often hailed as a way to halt seriou...Through a new research grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundat...Through a new technique known as TRAnsgenerational Isotope Labeling (T...This chemical tagging approach has been successfully tested in limited...,Innovative,tagging,technique,may,help,researchers,better,protect,fish,stocks,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • New technology reveals sea...( New technology has allowed an internat...) - ...New technology has allowed an international team including UK scientis...The seals were tagged at the islands of South Georgia Kerguelen and M...The Sea Mammal Research Unit at St Andrews University led the research...He added This approach helps us to understand current population tren...,New,technology,reveals,seal,behavior,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • News tips from the Journal of Ne...( 1. Docking and Priming with Munc18 ...) - ... 1. Docking and Priming with Munc18 Attila Gulys-Kovcs He...This week Gulys-Kovcs et al. unmask a dual role for Munc18 in docking... ... 2. Pak1 and Neuronal Polarity Tom Jacobs Frdric Causeret...,News,tips,from,the,Journal,of,Neuroscience,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Ecologists work to link kids w...( Cable television and video games are ...) - ... Cable television and video games are winning out over more traditiona...Now ecological scientistswell positioned because of their field of stu...Richard Louv whose 2005 book Last Child in the Woods called nation-wi...Knowledge of nature is vital if young people are ultimately going to m...,Ecologists,work,to,link,kids,with,nature,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Viewing ecosystems from above( New technology and global observations...) - ...New technology and global observations have improved resource-manageme...Our first views of Earth from space remind us that the planet is an in...Technology Michael Lefsky (Colorado State University) will open the...Satellites provide synoptic views with the potential to make repeat ob...,Viewing,ecosystems,from,above,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Experiment suggests limitations to carbon dioxide 'tre...( SAN JOSE CALIF. -- While 10 years of ...) - ...SAN JOSE CALIF. -- While 10 years of bathing North Carolina pine tree...These results from the decade-long Free Air Carbon Enrichment (FACE) e... If water availability decreases to plants at the same time that carbo... In order to actually have an effect on the atmospheric concentration ...,Experiment,suggests,limitations,to,carbon,dioxide,'tree,banking',biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Preclinical study links gene to brain aneurysm...( CINCINNATIUniversity of Cincinnati (UC...) - ...CINCINNATIUniversity of Cincinnati (UC) neurovascular researchers have...Todd Abruzzo MD and his colleagues demonstrated that knocking out a ...Scientists say this suggests that the gene may play an important role ...An aneurysm occurs when a blood vessel weakens and stretches forming ...,Preclinical,study,links,gene,to,brain,aneurysm,formation,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Secret life of elephant seals not secre...( Miniature oceanographic sensors attach...) - ...Miniature oceanographic sensors attached to southern elephant seals ha...The measurements reveal in detail where the seals go on their winter f...The results are the subject of a paper published today in the prestigi...The work was carried out by an international team including scientists...,Secret,life,of,elephant,seals,not,secret,anymore!,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Bacteria may not hasten death( Bacteria you can live without em but...) - ...Bacteria you can live without em but it wont do you any good accord...Flies scrubbed clean of bacteria did not outlive their grubby siblings...The finding challenges the conventional wisdom that even harmless bact...It seemed like it was dogma that if the organism has to spend energy d...,Bacteria,may,not,hasten,death,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Weed gave up sex long ago( The ability of plants to self-pollinat...) - ...The ability of plants to self-pollinate a big factor in the spread of...The findings show that at least in plant evolution sex with others ma...The mustard-like plant Arabidopsis thaliana lost interest in sex and s...The results contradict a 2004 estimate from North Carolina State Unive...,Weed,gave,up,sex,long,ago,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Other highlights in the A...( Vitamins and Minerals Showed Little B...) - ... Vitamins and Minerals Showed Little Benefit on Liver Cancer Death R...Taking vitamins and minerals did not reduce liver cancer death rates i...Liver cancer is a common cancer with a high death rate. New prevention...Chen-Xu Qu M.D. and colleagues conducted a randomized clinical trial...,Other,highlights,in,the,Aug.,7,JNCI,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Lost forest yields several n...( An expedition led by the Wildlife Cons...) - ...An expedition led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to a remo...If we can find six new species in such a short period it makes you won...The forest survey was conducted between January and March of 2007 and...In spite of the conflict and related degradation in the area the surv...,Lost,forest,yields,several,new,species,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Link between sunspots, rain helps predict disease in e...( The research conducted by paleoclimat...) - ...The research conducted by paleoclimatologist Curt Stager of Paul Smit...The scientists showed that unusually heavy rainfalls in East Africa ov... The hope is that people on the ground will use this research to predi... These results are an important step in applying paleoclimate analyses...,Link,between,sunspots,,rain,helps,predict,disease,in,east,Africa,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Argonne wins three R&D 100 awards for innovative te...( Researchers at the U.S. Department of ...) - ...Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energys Argonne National Laborat...Argonne scientists are consistent winners of the R&D 100 awards havin... Once again DOEs labs are at the cutting edge of innovation with new ...Argonne Director Bob Rosner also offered his congratulations to the wi...,Argonne,wins,three,R&D,100,awards,for,innovative,technologies,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • In limiting life span, study finds booming bacteri...( Aging flies are simply crawling with b...) - ...Aging flies are simply crawling with bacteriaboth inside and outbut th...Its a surprise said John Tower of the University of Southern Californ...Towers interest in the problem stemmed in part from the fact that huma...To explore the consequences of such changes in bacteria with age in gr...,In,limiting,life,span,,study,finds,booming,bacteria,innocent,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • High-intensity ultrasound may launch attack on cancer, whereve...( DURHAM N.C. -- An intense form of ult...) - ...DURHAM N.C. -- An intense form of ultrasound that shakes a tumor unti...The new findings from animal experiments suggest that once activated b...This high-intensity focused ultrasound or HIFU is in use or testing ...If the effect seen in mice holds true in human patients such a treatm...,High-intensity,ultrasound,may,launch,attack,on,cancer,,wherever,it,lurks,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Cornell scientists link E. coli bacteria to Crohn...( ITHACA N.Y. A team of Cornell Univer...) - ...ITHACA N.Y. A team of Cornell University scientists from the College... Crohns disease an incurable inflammatory disorder of the intestine ...Researchers at Cornell examined possible causes for the disease in pat...Given that only about 20 percent of fecal bacteria can be cultured ou...,Cornell,scientists,link,E.,coli,bacteria,to,Crohn's,disease,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Macho men are seen as bad choice for long...( Women see masculine men as unsuitable ...) - ...Women see masculine men as unsuitable long-term partners new research...The study published in the current edition of Personality and Individ...Men with masculine faces with features such as a square jaw larger n...The scientists say the research partly supported by the Medical Resea...,Macho,men,are,seen,as,bad,choice,for,long-term,love,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Role of thyroid hormones in slumber under investigation ...( CAMDEN While the thyroid has long bee...) - ...CAMDEN While the thyroid has long been linked to metabolism cutting-...Thanks to a $415369 grant from the National Science Foundation a tea...Joseph V. Martin a professor of biology is the principle investigato...A diagnosis of thyroid cancer in 1991 inspired Martins in-depth studie...,Role,of,thyroid,hormones,in,slumber,under,investigation,at,Rutgers,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters
  • Study: Sticking to the sand might not be such good, clean fun for ...( Just when you thought it was safer to ...) - ...Just when you thought it was safer to stay out of the water. ...Microbes that result in beach closures and health advisories when dete...Published in the July 1 issue of Environmental Science and Technology...The team was led by Alexandria Boehm assistant professor of civil and...,Study:,Sticking,to,the,sand,might,not,be,such,good,,clean,fun,for,beachgoers,biological,biology news articles,biology news today,latest biology news,current biology news,biology newsletters

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