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I think it smells so good, just like bubble gum or cherries. And, it works great to wipe off burnt on food off of a glass stove top. You just get a wet dishcloth and dip it in the Scour Off and wipe burnt on mess in a circular motion & it comes off in seconds with no work at all. And, the biggest plus of all is it doesn't scratch glass for those with a glass stove top with no fumes or bad chemicals.
Had an instance where my boat's engine would not turn over; after adding Sea Foam, and allowing it to work on the moisture in the gas overnight, the engine cranked on the second try and works well still. I now add sea foam regularly to the gas tank of both my boat and van!
Well I bought this brand new from Campus111 on EBay. It lasted 2 months then the little plug to recharge stopped working.
This product is amazing. Not only does it taste good unlike other products that taste terrible. It really work!! I wasn't producing enough milk so I tried everything you can think of and I came across this product by luck. I tried it and after the first week I was making more milk than my baby could drink. It is amazing!!