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Osteopathic Physicians in Berlin, CT providing Traditional Osteopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Holistic Medicine to infants, children and adults - Osteopaths specializing in Osteopathic Manipulation, Osteopathic Medicine, Cranial Manipulation, Integrative Medicine, Classical Homeopathy in Connecticut

  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Origins Of Health offers a unique healing experience under the care of Family Medicine residency and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine fellowship trained physicians who have extensive training in holistic modalities. We provide a truly integrative approach to your overall healthcare. The […]
  • Origins Of Health — Homeopath, Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopathy - Jill Moorcroft, D.O. Jill received a B.S. in biology from Fairfield University. She received her medical degree, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNECOM) in Biddeford, Maine. While a student at […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopathy - Tom Moorcroft, DO Tom did his undergraduate studies at the University of Vermont before attending the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNECOM). While at UNECOM, Tom was selected to complete a one year fellowship in Osteopathic Manipulative […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Office Hours, Appointments Office visits are by appointment only. Every effort will be made to give you an appointment at the earliest convenience. Cancellations and Missed Appointments If you cannot make your appointment, please give us the courtesy of at […]
  • Osteopathy - Thank you for your interest in Osteopathy. The links below will provide you with a wealth of information on Osteopathic Medicine. Learn about the philosophy and practice of Osteopathic Medicine Learn about research into the efficacy of Osteopathic Medicine Learn […]
  • Osteopathic Research - The past decade has seen a significant increase in research on Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT). Like many common medical procedures (such as surgery or interventional radiology), OMT faces difficulties with blinding, sample size, controls, and physician skill in the design […]
  • Commonly Treated Conditions - Most often people come in with complaints of pain: Headaches (including migraines, jaw issues and post-concussion problems) Traumatic Brain Injury Neck and back pain (including scoliosis and pinched nerves and sciatica) Arm and leg issues (including shoulder, wrist, hip, knee […]
  • Functional Orthodontia - What is so important about the face? It is the place we meet. It is a place of personal recognition and individual expression. Osteopathic and advanced light force (ALF) functional orthodontics support natural function and optimize the expression of the […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - What is Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine? Osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) is a form of treatment based on the concept that your body’s natural tendency is towards health. The structure of the human body influences its function. The goal of treatment is […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Integrative Medicine is not only a passion, but a lifestyle for Drs. Jill & Tom Moorcroft. We both strongly agree with the definition of Integrative Medicine put forward by Dr. Andrew Weil, MD. The Defining Principles of Integrative Medicine 1. […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - The physicians at Origins Of Health often see patients who have seen 5, 10, 15 or more doctors and still have no diagnosis. Many of them have been diagnosed with a syndrome such as Fibromyalgia Syndrome or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Our nutritional consultations focus on whole foods that invigorate your body while also nourishing your soul. Our approach integrates sound nutritional science and our personal experience with your particular goals and unique physiology. Our particular interest lies in utilizing a […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - We help women and men restore hormonal balance naturally with bio-identical hormones
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Beyond Borrelia Chronic Toxin Overload Tips for Preventing Tick Bites Cancer & Healing Get Educated About Lyme Disease Cleansing the Brain Functional Orthodontia
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses have reached epidemic proportions in Connecticut and in much of the United States. One of the greatest difficulties facing patients and physicians is that Lyme disease rarely presents with the classic symptomsreported in medical […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Chronic Toxin Overload: The Real Cause of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome By: Tom Moorcroft, DO Patients who suffer from unrelenting fatigue, persistent pain and brain fog are often diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia. Interestingly, neither of these […]
  • Tips for Preventing Tick Bites - Below are a few important tips for preventing tick bites. This information has been compiled from discussions with Lyme experts and information from the CDC, the CT Agricultural Experiment Station and the Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials websites. Tick […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - An Osteopathic Approach to Cancer and Healing by Thomas A. Moorcroft, D.O. The science and philosophy of Osteopathy make it a unique healing art. Osteopathic physicians are fully licensed physicians and surgeons who practice in all specialties and subspecialties in […]
  • Get Educated about Lyme Disease - Lyme disease has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and especially in Connecticut. With the number of Lyme infections rising, the need for Lyme disease education is at an all time high. In this article, we’ll review the questions […]
  • Cleansing the Brain - The Glymphatic System has recently been discovered by neuroscientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center. The findings were published online in Science Translational Medicine. This new system has been dubbed “the glymphatic system” since it acts much like the […]
  • Lectures - Previews of lectures presented by Dr. Tom Moorcroft, DO Borrelia miyamotoi   Nutritional Approaches to Patients with Chronic Tick-Borne Illness   Basics of Pediatric Tick-Borne Illness with Panel Discussion     You can purchase access to complete lectures at: ILADS […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Osteopathic Resources American Academy of Osteopathy American Osteopathic Association Connecticut Osteopathic Medical Society The Osteopathic Cranial Academy Integrative Medicine Resources Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine – Where Jill did her fellowship with Andrew Weil, MD. Inner Healing Eckhart Tolle – […]
  • Students - We offer two and four Week OMM/Integrative Medicine Rotations for medical students and residents. Pre-Medical student shadowing is also available for students who commit to shadowing a minimum of 4 days for a minimum for 4 hours at a time. […]
  • Origins Of Health — Osteopathic, Osteopath, Osteopathy, Cranial, Homeopath, Homeopathy - Origins Of Health Patient hours 279 New Britain Road, Building B, Suite 6 Monday – Thursday Berlin, CT 06037 8:45 am – 5:00 pm Office 860.438.7096 Fax 860.438.7134 Send us an email. Click on the image of below to create […]
  • Viola Frymann, DO - A great osteopathic pioneer recently passed from this life. She taught osteopaths far and wide how to efficiently and appropriately deliver osteopathic treatment to suffering children. Her dedication to the service of the self-healing mechanism within us all manifest healing […]

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