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  • Snickers - It's an adjustment, but it works well!

    I have been looking for a product that was more natural and that did not contain any sodium laurXX compounds. Many of the new shampoos market "sulfate-free," only to find that they have sodium laureth chloride or some other version that acts as the lathering agent. From a couple of different sources that I have read, these compounds are on the human carcinogenic list. I was ecstatic to see that Wen has none of these compounds. It was a lifestyle change in order to reduce my exposure to chemicals that brought me to Wen.

  • Valleria - its ok

    It has some good stradegies on how to pick the right answer. But the questions are not like the ones on the NCLEX. The questions are a lot easier than on the test.

  • B.S.N - I love this little thing!

    As all the other reviews said. It's pretty amazing! If this ever broke I would buy another. For $30 you can't go wrong. It really pinpoints your areas. I've torn a ligament in my knee and this works great. If I can't make it to the pt for a day it's great. It's even great on the days I don't see the pt! 5 stars. Very happy

  • Russ - Great portability and pressure.

    I am a man who likes to take care of himself, and oral care is definitely a strong point. I have been using irrigators for years, but all of them have been plug in, with a large reservoir that is hard to clean and maintain. This sleek model is everything I have wanted and more. With its ability to recharge and take on the go, this is a must have for anyone. I still get just as good of pressure as I did out of the others, but this is much easier to clean and maintain. I received this product at a discount in exchange for an honest review.