Maatschap P&P Consult - Maatschap P&P Consult begeleidt jongeren en volwassenenmet diverse psychische en psychiatrische problemen. Onze werkwijze garandeert eenindividueel totaalconcept en een hulpverlening op maat.

  • Maatschap Psychiatrisch en Psychologisch Consult :: Aanbod - P&P Consult is een instelling voor ambulante specialistische geestelijke gezondheidszorg.P&P Consult begeleidt mensen vanaf 18 jaar met diverse psychische en psychiatrische problemen.Onze Integratieve werkwijze garandeert een individueel totaalconcept en een hulpverlening op maat.
  • Maatschap Psychiatrisch en Psychologisch Consult :: Welke methodieken? - Bij een behandeling wordt gebruik gemaakt een veelheid aan methodieken en technieken ook wel een generalistische aanpak genoemd.
  • Maatschap Psychiatrisch en Psychologisch Consult :: Hulp nodig - U hebt psychische klachten en hiervoor wilt u hulp hebben. Hier vindt u meer informatie daarover.
  • Maatschap Psychiatrisch en Psychologisch Consult :: Ik ben patiënt - U bent patiënt bij P&P Consult en hebt Informatie nodig over medicijnen, wilt weten wat uw rechten en plichten zijn, u wilt de E-Health module benaderen.

    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.8995 , Netherlands

  • ngilbert621 - Why no blu-ray?

    I gotta say I absolutely love this show, but why aren't they being released on blu-ray anymore? The show was made with HD cameras, so why not release them in an HD format? Extremely disappointed in cbs for not offering blu-ray options anymore.

  • Jay Gilbertson - Great Gift for anyone with a wrist! Well, what are you waiting for? Get two...

    Still use this. Works so great and has kept my wrist very happy. Price is well worth it if you value your parts.

  • Anyone - BORAX your wash ocassionally to avoid the problem this is supposed to fix

    I had been warned about this problem and have never faced it in two years of owning my HE Front Loader. I thought these products were a scam. I can attest that Mother 22 must be right. While I've never faced this problem, I also wash clothing regularly with Borax as a laundry booster or when I forget that load in the washer for a few too many hours (happens more than I should admit). So I guess Borax works for maintenance too. It has always done the trick for those stagnant clothes that just didn't get washed in time or sat in the washer too long. This stuff may work too, but Borax is just a few bucks a box and lasts a long time. (Oh, and another tip, if you have ants, mix at a 1-to-1 ration Borax and Sugar, then spread it around the perimeter of your house. The ants will take both back to their nest and never come back)

  • Judy B. - These worked out well for me

    I like these checkbook registers. They are printed in larger type than most, and that helps a lot! It's hard to find registers that work well, and they are too expensive through my bank. This was a good purchase for me.

  • Bruce D. Namerow - 2011 Is a Big, Buggy Step Backward

    Overall, I'm usually a fan of Quickbooks. But Intuit recently forced an upgrade on us, so we had to upgrade from 2008 to 2011. It's been horrible ever since. If you're going to force people to upgrade, at least make the new product work and don't remove key features.

  • Connie Reins - I get so many compliments..........

    When I was 16 years old, I was observing my Aunt(then in her 50's)put on her morning face cream. I noticed she had hardly any lines on her face making her look about 40. I asked what she was using and she showed me this little container with SEBAMED written on it. She swore up and down that this cream, which she applied religiously every morning and sometimes at night, was the reason her skin was still so beautiful. I figured she must know what she was talking about as she had modeled many years for Macy's in the 1950's, and was very conscientious about her looks. I asked her where she got it from and she told me it was only available in Germany. I silently swore I would find it on my own one day and began my search. Several years later, with the coming of the internet, I found it at a Chicago apothocary that specialized in German imports. I have been using it ever since and am now in my thirties. Women & men approach me all the time and ask what I use for a moisterizer. I even have salespeople from Mary Kay and Avon ask what I do to have such a wonderful complexion. I can honestly tell you my skin texture is nearly identical to what it was when I was in high school. No crow's feet, no mouth lines, no nothing!! I am thrilled to see this cream finally on

  • Felicia Gardner - love it

    Have this on my subscribe list. It comes promptly and toddler loves it. It a little bit cheaper then getting the pre made and sometimes you get coupons, which you can only use in stores. But that's ok.