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Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative | The Home of EMPowerplus Q96 - Since 1996 Q Sciences (Truehope) has been dedicated to improving the lives of those with mood disorders and has been successful in helping over 200,000 people transition from prescription drugs that “cover-up” symptoms to high quality vitamin and mineral supplements that address the core biological issues that cause mood disorders. Calm. Coping. Clarity. EMPowerplus Q96…

  • About QS | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative -   Company Quintessential Biosciences (Q Sciences) began with the founding principle that if we did the right things for the right reasons, we could create a GREAT Company – a company that could truly make a difference in improving Quality of Life for people throughout the world. This principle guides all of the decisions we…
  • The Q96 Story | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . . The story of Q Sciences and EMPowerplus Q96 began with a father’s desperate desire to save his children. Anthony Stephan’s wife, Debora, suffered with bipolar disorder for half her life and committed suicide in January of 1994 just 2 weeks after starting a prescription of antidepressants. Debbie’s father had done the same sixteen years earlier. A year…
  • Research/Studies | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . Since 1996, scientific researchers and doctors in clinical practice have been studying the effects of Q96™ on mental disorders such as bipolar disorder. Results have been very encouraging and significant. Dr. Bonnie Kaplan, a respected behavioral research scientist and one of the principal researchers on several of the published studies says, “If substantiated in…
  • Research/Studies | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - EMPowerplus Q96 Research Since 1996, scientific researchers and doctors in clinical practice have been studying the effects of Q96™ on mental disorders such as bipolar disorder. Results have been very encouraging and significant. Dr. Bonnie Kaplan, a respected behavioral research scientist and one of the principal researchers on several of the published studies says, “If…
  • FAQ | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - General Questions What medical research has been done on Q96™? Q96™ is the most studied micronutrient in the world. It has been independently studied in 3 countries, has 25 medical journal publications with 14 being peer-reviewed. A phenomenal .85 effect size was reported. Does Q96™ contain any drugs? No, it contains only vitamins, minerals, amino…
  • Testimonials | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . The internet contains a wealth of information and testimonials about Q96 (Empowerplus) from Q Sciences (Truehope). I have included a few links and testimonials below. . . Video Testimonials More Video Testimonials . My name is Margo Johnson and this is My Q Story. I am a 40-year-old mother of four. My husband (and…
  • Q Sprays | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - Introducing QSpray Nutraceuticals . ORAL ABSORPTION is now the preferred choice of medical experts for the administration of nutrients (and medicine). Tests from Massachusetts General Hospital have shown that when administered in a liquid orally, nutrients or medicines reach a higher blood concentration, more rapidly than when administered by a tablet or even an injection…
  • Q Miracle Gel | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - Q Miracle Gel Exclusive to Q Sciences  South Korean Developed Technology . Q Miracle Gel is a deep clarifying and moisturizing gel that cleanses and gently exfoliates for smooth, supple skin. In 30 to 60 seconds the innovative ingredients work synergistically to support healthy aging and a more radiant complexion. Our body is made up…
  • Contact | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - ... Thank you for visiting my site. Click To Order or Join Online Call Q Sciences to order at 1-385-374-6400 and reference IBO #10140 (Or Email me on the Contact Form below) .    Or Contact Kathie here...
  • 8 Silent Signs You Could Have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . BY ERICA LAMBERG Reprinted from Reader's Digest You’re not getting good Zz's Nights are longer in winter, so sleep patterns can shift naturally, but chronic oversleeping or difficulty waking in the morning may be signs of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), according to the Center of Counseling and Psychological Services at Drew University in New…
  • Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency Most People Miss | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . Source: Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist With flu season upon us and serious new viruses like Enterovirus D68 making the rounds, keeping blood levels of vitamin D at optimal levels can be truly lifesaving especially for children and the elderly. Flu is actually vitamin D deficiency disease, not a happenstance occurrence in your life because…
  • Top 10 Common Disorders in Psychiatry | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - By George Kleban   The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) states that mental disorders are fairly common in the United States. The institution estimates that in a given year, there are 26.2 percent of American adults, or about one in four adults, that are diagnosed with a mental disorder. Even though mental disorders are…
  • 10 Gratitude Mantras that Will Make You Appreciate What You Have | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . WRITTEN by MARC CHERNOFF     As you sit here reading these words, pause for a moment and take a quick assessment of your life.  Chances are, you have access to food, shelter, and other basic necessities.  You might also have family and friends who care about you.  For the most part, you live…
  • 6 Science-Based Tips For A Healthy & Happy Brain | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . By: Dr William Cole: NOVEMBER 13, 2013  Reprinted from MindBodyGreen . Our society is experiencing an epidemic of chronic brain problems. An estimated 40 million people in the United States experience some sort of anxiety-related disorder. As many as 30 million suffer from depression. The use of antidepressants doubled from 1995 to 2005, and they're now the most prescribed drugs on…
  • An Important Documentary: Letters from Generation Rx | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . Reprinted from Mad in America By BONNIE KAPLAN, PHD & JULIA RUCKLIDGE, PHD Letters from Generation Rx is the second documentary from international award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller about the challenges of treating mental health symptoms with psychotropic drugs. The film includes interviews with many people familiar to the MIAcommunity: Robert Whitaker, Dr. Peter…
  • Science Says Silence Is Much More Important To Our Brains Than We Think | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - ... From: LifeHack Science by Rebbeca Beris   In 2011, the Finish Tourist Board ran a campaign that used silence as a marketing ‘product’. They sought to entice people to visit Finland and experience the beauty of this silent land. They released a series of photographs of single figures in the nature and used the slogan…
  • How Smiling Changes Your Brain | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . BY: Vivian Giang/Fast Company Few people would argue that smiling is bad for you, but new research is showing just how many ways smiling is beneficial to your career and well-being. We know smiling can greatly improve your mood and reduce stress. Even better, your smile doesn’t have to be real, so you can…
  • How To Hack Your Happiness | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - .. From: Dave Asprey's Bulletproof The Dalai Lama famously said that, “Happiness is not ready made. It comes from your own actions.” He was onto something. Happiness can feel out of your control (especially if you’re unhappy), but you actually have a lot more influence over your mood than it may seem. With a few…
  • Mark Twain’s Top 9 Tips For Living A Kick-Ass Life | Q Sciences: A Natural Alternative - . by Henrik Edberg You may know Mark Twain for some of his very popular books like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He was a writer and also a humorist, satirist and lecturer. Twain is known for his many – and often funny – quotes. Here are a few of…

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  • J Moore - Don't second guess yourself, buy this!

    I cannot say enough great things about this can cooler. The can has a great feel in your hand and I've not been concerned about the dropsies. It's simple to use, just unscrew the top "lid" place your beverage of choice in, screw the lid back on, and you're done.

  • MDShopper - Great product!!

    I love this product and it's the best spot treatment I've tried! I use it when I have a pimple and I put it on maybe twice a day and it's either gone or there's a significant difference. The only problem that I have is that it dries out before its gone and I end up having to throw it away and buy more and this stuff isn't cheap. Otherwise, great product just don't try and use when it begins to dry because it's not effective.