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    Country:, Europe, IE

    City: -6.2439 , Ireland

  • Devin J Lewis - because its a really fun game.

    Got this game when it first came out ! Had it for less than a week as we lost it whilst travelling ! Couldn't bring myself to buy another for full price , even Xbox store cost way more ! Bargain , because its a really fun game .

  • andy - workes good

    only issue is that we were unable to attach the bag hooks to the handles when using this, it should have 2 slots to accommodate the bag hooks either side....i may just cut some

  • Caleb Lawson - The Ghostbusters face some competition!

    You think they have topped everything but once you read this volume you can't wait until they top this volume all of the ghostbuster volumes are amazing defiantly worth buying!

  • ariel - it takes 5 trys to get my sign in page

    i have called webroot on this they have not fixed the problem so far.. we thought it was fixed because it works if i reboot

  • Sarah K Vogel - Good, reliable filter.

    I've been using these filters for the entire life of my car (150k+ miles) and have been very happy with them. The wrench bottom is really helpful when they get stuck on from heat.

  • Charles - Garbage Propaganda

    Wow, the worst. Propaganda (Neoliberal/Neocon?). Hillary can't get the majority of the vote sewn up even after corruptly undermining a populist (Bernie Sanders) with the DNC's help, planting of stories with journalists, buying up liberal media (Blue Nation Review) and so on. So now they cry Putin and Russian everyday, nonstop. lol Ok, it would be funny if this war drum beating is not leading down a perilous road to war. And, nope, obviously not a Trump supporter.