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  • J. Jordahl - Not as good as expected

    I purchased this with a moderate case of poison ivy on my leg thinking it would clear it right up. I followed the instructions to a T, and did not observe the itch relief that was advertised, and definitely not in 30 seconds. So I used it again right away to see if it worked any better. After the two washes it did feel better, but it was by no means completely itch free. I washed again one more time about four hours later, and saw little improvement. The next day the poison ivy blisters were much larger and more enflamed than they ever were prior to using the wash. I think the abrasive nature of it just irritated the rash more than healing it, although there was a small area where the rash looked more dried up. I used the product again the next day, and after the treatment the rash hurt more than ever, however the rash didn't seem to spread after using this product. The tube was essentially gone after the four uses, so if you pay full price you will be paying for $10 per application. I think this product could be useful, but only right after contact with the poison ivy. My rash had been present for two days before I used the product, and I saw minimal benefit. Because this is used to wash away the oil I think it would be better suited to prevent the spreading of the rash and minimizing initial itchiness.

  • David Moore - Best you are going to find

    I had used this before on a Cadillac with pretty good results (can you say NORTHSTAR?) and so far NO LEAKS on the 97 Ford Taurus, which WAS leaking coolant. **** TIP **** : Take the extra time and effort to bypass the heater core when you use this kind of product. A heater core has pretty small passages and regardless of what these products claim, they CAN and often DO clog up your heater core, resulting in no heat and then causing leaks elsewhere from the heater core being clogged.

  • Cody - Make sure you install it properly!

    When I first snapped mine in, it was fairly loose. I thought something was wrong. I soon figured out you really need to hammer the tabs to fan them out inside the body. Not many people explain this well and some never figure it out. The instructions just show some vague arrows. I took a large phillips screwdriver and gently hammered the tabs outward, using a rag to not mar the plastic. It can take some force, and you might feel like you will break something. I recommend starting with the top two tabs. Once the tabs are splayed past the edge of the sheet metal, this thing is very snug.

  • Amazon Customer - Well, doggies!

    Revised. Well, I had to find out what happened to the tigers, and the last two-thirds of the book are great. I realized it's not Virgil I have a problem with, it's Frankie. She's just not up to Sandford's usual high standard when it comes to secondary characters. He usually creates great, memorable secondary characters--look at the Simonians! Frankie is a cipher: easy lay, big tits. She and her idiot brood and now her idiot sister just bogged down the action. Hint to the author: fire Frankie; hire Mattson. She's genuinely interesting.

  • TammyB - molluscum contagiosum

    This product did not work to clear either of my sons molluscum contagiosum and it was used for a month consistently.