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  • giftgiver - Great bedtime story for fathers and sons!

    Love how every day activities are written from a superhero-like angle. I'd recommend this book to any kid who has a dad, or a grandpa or an uncle. For dads out there, this is inspiring!

  • Star - TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE....but it is!

    I am more excited about this Hoover FloorMate than anything I have purchased in a good long time! I not only received this in one day but I immediately popped the top together, filled it with the cleaning fluid and water and put this baby to work! I have a big kitchen with white Italian tile which I have been scrubbing by hand (and knees) for five years! I thought Mr. Clean's grout sponge was an awesome invention but that was before I got the FloorMate! This little, light weight Genie vacuums, washes and scrubs and dries! Mind that you will always have to give the corners and baseboards some extra attention but my kitchen floor looks brand new! The results are way more than I even dreamed.

  • H S Patton - Too much shove it in your face advertizing.

    The only issue is that the "special offer" ads are an annoyance beyond anything previous.Too much and too many makes me hate to have to use it at times because it is so hard to get past all the shoving down the throat horse hockey.