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  • shyliu - Worst ever

    The smell is nice. But as for the job...not so nice. I actually ended up shedding even more hair in the shower after I used this than usual so it's literally been sitting in my shower and not having been used for almost a year probably...NOT A GOOD PRODUCT AND WOULD NOT RECOMMEND!!

  • heather - I've been using this each morning for about a week and it gives my complexion a nice glow. It makes me looks more awake

    I have been very pleasantly surprised by this one! I don't wear makeup, foundation has always given me acne. I've been using this each morning for about a week and it gives my complexion a nice glow. It makes me looks more awake, and less sallow. Doesn't make me break out either! The moisture level is also perfect. My skin still feels moist at the end of the day, but doesn't look oily!

  • Amazon Customer - Great product!

    I was on the pills for about 3 weeks and the results were amazing! I am a male to female transgender and I saw results within a week. Softer skin, developing breasts, less hair all over the body and my mood was over all a lot more calm and happy. For any transgenders out there, this product really works!

  • Ursula Wahr - It doesn't help

    These pills did not do anything for my hair. The purchase was a waste of money. I was hopeful, but unfortunately, like so many other hair-products, it did not what it promised to do.