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    Country:, Europe, IT

    City: 12.1097 , Italy

  • James Chiles - I rate this product AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

    I've had this for awhile now and needed it when I got it. It really helped with restless leg problems. Then my back went out last night and I had forgotten about it so I tried one of my several massagers. They feel good at the time but you are sore later.

  • B. Hagen - Great monitor, great price, and no regrets.

    Purchased a refurbished one for a great price and instantly loved it. I went from a 42" 1080p TV to this and the difference was definitely noticeable. I love the thin borders too. There is some backlight bleeding, but I turned down the default brightness and it helped. It is still there, but I have seen worse in other monitors. It doesn't support VESA, but I didn't need it and the stand is stable and I like the way it looks. It also has surprisingly good speakers. I expected them to be a lower quality. They're not amazing, but usable when you don't want to wear headphones all the time.

  • Datindy - Not Bad, Follow the Instructions!

    Everyone needs to actually read the instructions before they apply this product. Most of the negative reviews are from people who obviously did not...I am a very serious do-it-yourselfer with lots of project experience, both with wood and paint/staining. I have a pretty large deck with 3 levels, an it has been built for about 10 years or so. I have tried many different stains, both semi-transparent and pigmented with very little of it lasting more than 2 years before it shows wear on the traffic areas.

  • Gthanks - BEWARE Shelf Life to expire shortly. Very disappointed

    After paying way too much for a product, and then receiving it only to find the box opened from both ends; the expiration date for a large box to be in just 2 months, I am very disappointed. A warning label should have appeared stating that the food product packaging is damaged and the food needs to be consumed immediately. Who would have thought!!! This item has been on the shelf a very long time. I am one disappointed consumer and if I can return it, I will.