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Still a good book but sections of it need updating. For example it's been awhile since the women's interview attire section was updated. While the attire section goes on and one about skirt hem lengths and business dress there is not one word about wearing a pants suit, which is what most women I know wear now especially to interviews. And this is the only book I see still suggesting putting "references available upon request" on a resume. However the prep sections for making contacts and prepping for interviews remain very good.
When Time Warner decided to charge a "leasing fee" for the cable modem I had for my internet, a few people told me that I could get my own cable modem instead of paying Time Warner for it. I decided to wait a bit until buying one, as the modems were still about two years' worth of lease fees.
This machine works well. I am not sure if user malfunction did not lead to others complaints of bottles not fitting because I have never had a problem. The majority of bottles we chill are champagne and they have a very large base and the machine has always accommodated them. Also it chills them perfectly in a few minutes. We also use it to chill bottle of water before we go to the gym. I have no complaints about this product and would highly suggest it.
Unfortunately these products made my face break out. It must be an allergy to the product or perhaps it's too oily for my face. Not sure, but now I have pimples all over my face. Disappointed
I will say one thing in favor of Abreva: it will numb the heck out of your lip. If you have a whopper of a cold sore, sometimes you need something that will take the pain away. Then again, rubbing Orajel or Campho-Phenique on the sore will do the same thing, but for $10 less.
A very poor quality product. Looks great when first applied but after a few months it peels and cracks, no matter how carefully it has been applied (see other reviews). I went back to the store where I bought the stuff from only to be told they had discontinued the product following many complaints. Apparently - and I don't know if this is true - Rustoleum themselves called the store and told them to stop selling the stuff because of high complaints. If I had proof of purchase etc I would demand my money back and demand compensation for the remedial work I will have to carry out. Unfortunately I don't and as Rustoleum are obviously the type of company that will find a loophole to protect their poor quality product, I'll have to suffer in silence - unless that is some sharp lawyer starts a class action. Count me in if you are such a person and are reading this. Avoid this product.
This is a great little machine! Looking for the best value, you have found it! 1080p screen at this price with this kind of performance is awesome. Now bare in mind I have upgraded mine with a 128 SSD I had laying around and a opticle drive to HDD drive caddy. I also purchased another 4gb or ram for it for a total of 8gb (2x4gb, yes it has another slot inside).