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  • Amazon Customer - I thought it came with a glove it didn't so ...

    I thought it came with a glove it didn't so I had to buy a glove seperate. It curls fast and my curls seem to hold really well.

  • E. Zuniga - A Disjointed Effort from Michael

    It's been clear for a while now that Michael Buble has been looking out to branch away from the standards that launched his career into his own brand of pop. From his debut to Nobody But Me, Michael's albums have steadily featured more and more on his own pop songs and away from the "safe pop" of Call Me Irresponsible's "Everything." But this exposes a problem that is especially prevalent in Nobody But Me: the standards he continues to do combine with his own pop songs (themselves which have become increasingly exploratory of more genres such as rap) combine to make for an uneven album. It's as if Michael tries to have it both ways - relying on his bread and butter standards, while also really trying branch out into pop. While I reside in the "standards" camp, I can understand Michael in not wanting to limit his career to simply singing other's songs. However, what made his earlier pop songs like "Everything" great was that they seamlessly combined with the rest of the album in a complementary and cohesive effort, in a way that they don't in Nobody But Me.

  • KellyLK - Worth using on younger kids to help prevent getting lice at school.

    My daughter had been using the shampoo for a while and this was intended as a precautionary measure to prevent picking it up at school. We starting using the Fairy Tales Leave In Conditioning Spray. My daughter loves the smell and it helps to detangle her hair. While I cannot attest to the effectiveness of the products, given the ingredients in them I believe the would definitely work to prevent lice from wanting to make a home in her hair. Works the same with natural bug repellents, if it has an odor like rosemary or lavender they'd probably not like it. I would recommend this to others to use.

  • SandySEPA - superbly educational and entertaining

    Buffett informs the reader about Berkshire's results, while also educating about investing, and entertaining at the same time. I learned a lot about investing that can be applied to an individual's affairs, not only those of a company. Buffett's book recommendations are also very valuable.

  • bryan_m - this will be your favorite go-to. Just recently moved and this has been ...

    For the recreational DIY-er, this will be your favorite go-to. Just recently moved and this has been doing everything from hanging a TV, assembling furniture, repairing/ rebuilding book cases, drilling out holes for cable management....

  • Sunshine on a Rainy Day - This book is good if you are looking for the reasons why oil pulling works rather than just how to do it

    Before trying the practice of oil pulling, I read two different books on the subject. This is one of them.