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  • Carissa N Dean - Amazing and Great product.

    I just love this product. I have been watching this for a few weeks, since I was tag on Instagram by a friend( Tagged on IG and FB but a bunch of friends since I Love nail related things). I decided to go ahead and buy it and see what all the fuse is about. Can i just say that I love it. I have to grab another for a swap girl of mine.

  • supreme lord jeff - Not a miracle product

    Seriously sick of products that claim to be miracle solutions to cleaning mildew/mold off a boat. "Rated best vinyl cleaner" from their website.. Instant results. But then another review says you have to wait a week to scrub. Stop with the false advertising already. If this product if for concrete and wood then label it as such - and don't try to sell to the marine community!

  • Jonathan W. - So far, so good

    I purchased this for my girlfriend a few week ago. So far she has been using it regularly as directed and has noticed some increased firmness. We're curious to see how significant the increase will be.

  • Ms. Ex·tra·or·di·naire - Great taste and results!

    I was excited to find the Hairomega Hair, Skin and Nail Gummies as I was looking for a better alternative to my normal multivitamins. I also wanted to take additional Biotin since I have some postpartum hair loss. I decided on the Hairomega duo by Dr. Formulas primarily because they are all natural, and no preservatives and free of artificial flavors and colors.

  • SoleilDeMinuit - Works with time

    I've used it for some months now after the 1 toe infected for years started to infect the others. The oldest fungus is taken much longer to go away, but the newest ones are clearing up. I'll keep going for another 3 months since the meds the doc gave me were for 6 months and didn't even work for me! That's a better option with no side effects at all :)