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  • G. Y. - My baby does not love this. I wanted him to love it

    My baby does not love this. I wanted him to love it, but he stays all of 5 minutes in it. Also the music input was defective and did not work, but I called the company and they will be sending me a replacement for the base. Other than that I think is great design, choice of movements are very good and it's easy to use. I think if you are lucky enough that your baby loves it, it's a great buy. Otherwise is a very expensive one =/

  • Regina F. Love - Very fast so far. I have only owned HP ...

    Very fast so far. I have only owned HP but the last HP only lasted 1 1/2 year and went through 2 Hard drives and finally died...Calling HP is pointless ...Asus is so willing to help which is why I ended up going with them. So far I am loving this!

  • JAMIE TUBBS - 50 and Love this product.

    First introduced to this product at Sephora, very pleased. I am 50 and noted a reduction of puffiness, lines, darkness and crepe like skin under my eyes. My concealer/highlighter goes on well over it. My first bottle lasted 5 months, very economical in my opinion. Well worth the retail price but enjoy paying less thru Amazon.

  • Will A. - Longer Lashes

    I am actually pretty impressed with this serum. I don't remember to use it daily like I should and still see a difference. My lashes are pretty fair so it isn't until I apply mascara that I really notice it. I did notice they were a bit thicker, but what I really notice is the length. Almost looks like I'm wearing falsies. I apply it to my lower lash line as well and gained length thier too! It's easy to apply and goes on smooth. Be careful not to get into your eyes though, because it does sting a bit. I'm loving it so far and will likely purchase again!

  • J. Syrkiewicz - Thank God

    Over the past seven years, I have been housebound, afraid to venture outdoors because of an absolute lack of confidence in myself, and my physical appearance. Although I am considered by many to be an attractive individual, I have harboured a shameful secret for years which has severely hampered my self-esteem and overall ability to socialise, enter in to meaningful dialogue with others, or indeed interact with people on any level.