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  • Ringhio - Great stuff !

    I bought this compound W freeze off wart removed and I bought some acid ,that was like in group of few top rated wart removers. I was using acid, it left me a scar that is like 4-5 times bigger than the wart was, and I was using this freeze off wart remover, it did removed all the warts, left no scar, and it was almost painless ! First apply it on wart, wart becomes red, after 24 hours becomes black, after 48 hours it falls of, after falling of it leaves some irritated skin on that spot, but after a few days it goes back to normal. None of the warts that I removed with this Compound W freeze off wart remover came back ( thanks to God and lab people that made this ), just in case few days ago I bought another 2. If you looking for wart remover that you can use on your whole body, not worrying about leaving a scars and stuff like that, buy this, and don't look for acids !

  • MomOfTwoSunz - Just What I Needed!

    My subscription was expiring and Norton had me under the automatic renewal. The price was way to HIGH! I don't know why they charge existing customer such a high price but anyway after checking on Amazon I found the right product at a much lower price. After purchasing all I had to do was enter the new product code. No issues at all. My advice is never renew through the actual company, I'll always purchase a new product key from Amazon from now on!