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  • Justin and Karen Moore - Works pretty good

    I received this product at a free or reduced rate in exchange for an honest product review. I have a lot of issues with memory. I was so excited to see this product. There was no foul taste or smell. No after taste. I've only been on it for just a few days but I already noticed a bit of a difference in my ability too recall stuff. I don't expect it to be a miracle drug but its doing well so far.

  • Samantha Rice - Great buy

    These are a great alternative to tampons and pads. They are easy to insert and remove even though when you open them and see them for the first time they look daunting! Be sure to watch the instructional video on the website or even YouTube. I personally wouldn't recommend wearing these on heavy flow days but they're great for lighter days.

  • Ciarrai - Good Stuff

    Purchased this at CVS after 6mos trying and 2 very early losses. I don't have PCOS that I know of but my reproductive doctor felt my losses were due to egg quality. I started taking this as directed on the first day of my period and got pregnant that cycle! I just delivered my second healthy baby boy. I'm a believer in myo-inositol -- only thing is this supplement has folic acid which is not ideal for anyone with MTHFR mutation.

  • Deborah D. - Majestic Retinol Cream

    Energizing, therapeutic and refreshing. Perfect for anytime of the day. It is easy to use. Great quality. I love that the ingredients are simple and pure.

  • Mark A. Capuano - Used it a lot to design and build my house ...

    Used it a lot to design and build my house. Still use it as I'm finishing the basement. Never could get the knack of the landscaping features. Probably needed to buy the program specifically made for that function.

  • Amy Elise Goldman - Great neutral

    Great color for both hands and feet. Covers completely and is a great neutral. Looks great with a tan.