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Active One Group - Active One Group is a group of health professionals consulting in many different areas across suburbs to the south and east of Melbourne.

  • About Active One Group - About Active One Group: A health professionals consulting in many different areas across suburbs to the south and east of Melbourne
  • Exercise - Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and on-going support you need to improve your health. Check out our Exercise Programs
  • Life!Workshop - This healthy life! workshop is for people 18+ and who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • Tip of the week - Tell your dentist you have diabetes and ask him or her to show you how to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  • OT Driver Assessment and Rehabilitation Services - Active One Occupational Therapy provides OT Driver Assessment and Rehabilitation Services

    Country:, Oceania, AU

    City: 153.0667 Queensland, Australia

  • Jazzman - Pleasantly surprised and completely satisfied.

    This is simply a great softbox, I have the 36 and 48 inch. It is a little challenging to assemble but with a little patience it can be done quickly. I installed the rods with the softbox facing down 1 by 1 until the softbox was fully expanded. Inserting the final rod was a small challenge. The light that this softbox produces is amazingly soft. The softbox is very lightweight to my surprise as I initially placed it on a cheap light stand without it tipping over, however I recommend a much more stable light stand such as a C-stand with sand bags, which I elected to place it on as the cheaper lighter stands will tip over should anyone bump this box.

  • txmongul - Great product, a lot cheaper than the name brand

    Great product, a lot cheaper than the name brand. It fit without any problems and the water tasted great.

  • Anjani - My son loves pediasure

    My son totally loves pediasure. It is healthy and has a lot of nutrients. This product arrived on time and fits exactly how it is described. I am happy with the purchase and would reorder more soon.

  • Lorraine - I will not buy a car without test drive

    I downloaded pc matic. I gave my credit card information for 1 year service. It downloaded for what I thought was 1 year. Then without even running even once it said I had to renew. I tried and tried giving my info for 1 year purchase, the same thin happened. I had to renew for a lifetime over $300 charge and it never ran. I can not contact pc matic. I can not remove it from programs. It holds my computer up with a pop up to renew. Help if any one has a way to contact them. I want it off my programs even when it is not a program that I can use. A true bait and switch

  • KLPS - Do NOT go near this place

    Please forgive the length of this review but with this place, it is necessary. I also want people to know there is return policy that I was able to utilize.