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Specialist Skin Clinic Singapore | Botox Jaw Reduction - APAX Medical - APAX Medical is an outpatient skin clinic for diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in Singapore. As well as we offers botox jaw reduction procedure treatment.

  • Dr Moses Ng | About Us | APAX Medical - APAX Medical is an established aesthetics clinic focusing on non-invasive procedures and cosmetic dermatology with an Asian perspective.
  • APAX Medical | Acne - Pimples are a teenage problem? Well, not quite. Acne Vulgaris (pimples) is considered to be a chronic inflammatory condition of the hair follicle/oil gland unit (pilo-sebaceous glands).
  • Eczema Treatment Singapore | Trusted Treatment By Dr. Moses Ng - Dr Moses Ng is one of the best doctors for eczema treatment in Singapore. They have been offering Children, Adult Skin and Laser Clinic Singapore.
  • APAX Medical | Keloids - The development of a keloid scar is not only cosmetically disfiguring, but may cause pain and itchiness to the individual.
  • Cyst Removal Treatment | Skin Tag Causes Singapore - APAX Medical - Skin tags are small growths of tissue on the skin's surface. Apex Medical offers experienced gynecologist for Ovarian Cyst Removal & Skin tags.
  • APAX Medical | Pityriasis Versicolour - Numerous skin patches that may take on different hues from pink to brown or almost white. The treatment involves application of topical antifungals for mild cases, and oral antifungal therapy for more severe cases.
  • APAX Medical | Pregnancy And Your Skin - You undergo a myriad of experiences, changes to your work-life balance, changes to prepare for the newborn, and of course physical changes. Changes to your skin include an increase in pigmentation to your abdomen, underarms, genitalia
  • APAX Medical | Seborrhoeic Dermatitis - Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a very common condition in males. The underlying cause is thought to be an inflammatory response to a commonly found yeast (Malassezia furfur) living on the human skin. The skin appears red, scaly and may be itchy.
  • APAX Medical | Shingles - Shingles often starts with a painful rash that progress to the appearance of groups of small blisters. Treat Shingles early to reduce suffering and complications from the disease.
  • APAX Medical | Toenail Infection - An unsightly toenail can cause social embarrassment. Various treatment options such as topical and oral antifungals. Laser of a suitable wavelength is used to reach and heat the affected area.
  • APAX Medical | Urticaria (Hives) - Urticaria may be associated with swelling (Angio-oedema) of your eyelids, tongue, lips, throat or genitals. This can be quite alarming but rarely life threatening.
  • Warts Removal Symptoms, Treatment and Causes - APAX Medical - Warts - A Common Infectious Disease. APAX Medical offers warts removal treatment in Singapore. As well as we provide several wart removal tips and tricks.
  • Acne Clinic Singapore | Pimple Treatment - APAX Medical - Acne Clinic - APAX Medical provides the latest treatment regarding pimples, acne treatment and scar removals in Singapore.
  • APAX Medical | Ageing Neck - The neck region is not spared the effects of ageing. Lasers can help with collagen stimulation, and by reducing pigmentation problems such as age spots.
  • APAX Medical | Dark Eye Circles - Not all dark eye circles are due to a lack of sleep. The skin around the lower lid is thin compared to skin on the other areas of the face, has very little fat underneath it, and is supported by a rich network of blood vessels.
  • APAX Medical | Facial Sculpting - Botulinum toxin reduces masseter muscle mass. The peak effect of botulinum toxin on the masseter muscle is about 8-12 weeks, and repeated treatments done every 6 months.
  • Birthmark Removal Singapore | Pigmentation Removal Treatment – APAX Medical - Experience the painless laser birthmark removal in Singapore today by Dr. Moses Ng! Contact APAX Medical Clinic at (65) 6769 6007.
  • APAX Medical | Pores - Pore sizes are influenced by age, gender, genetics, oily skin, acne, hormonal changes, temperature, humidity and chronic sun exposure. Laser and radiofrequency stimulate new collagen formation and reducing pore size after a few treatment sessions.
  • APAX Medical | Skin Tightening - Non-invasive skin tightening devices are able to transmit enough energy to the deeper layers to the skin to cause collagen contraction.
  • APAX Medical | Wrinkles - Ageing is a process, and many factors contribute to wrinkles. Botulinum Toxin can improve the appearance of dynamic wrinkles, dermal fillers are more suitable for the static types.
  • APAX Medical | Excessive Sweating - How does Botulinum toxin work on the sweat glands? The human sweat (eccrine) glands are activated by the chemical acetylcholine. Botulinum toxin therapy prevents the release of acetylcholine from the nerves, thus reducing sweating.
  • APAX Medical | Stretch Marks - During pregnancy, common areas affected include the abdomen and breast. Treatment options include prescription topical medication, laser and energy-based devices. A combination approach works better.
  • APAX Medical | Tattoo Removal - Lasers work by selectively breaking down the tattoo pigments into smaller fragments, allowing your body's immune system to clear them away.
  • APAX Medical | Hair Loss Introduction - Hair loss is not something most of us take lightly, as we use hair to express ourselves, and communicate our unique personalities to our friends and the opposite sex. Alopecia is a medical term used to describe hair loss.
  • APAX Medical | Alopecia Areata - While there is no cure of Alopecia Areata, there are treatment options that can alter the disease process. All is not lost. The good news is: about 50% of cases will resolve by itself within a year.

    Country:, Asia, SG

    City: 103.8565 Central Singapore Community Development Council, Singapore

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