OrentreichMedicalGroup - The Orentreich Medical Group (OMG) practices medical and cosmetic dermatology. Jodi LoGerfo Family Nurse Practitioner offers patients her advice on many common skin concerns and conditions. Her Ask Jodi blog allows her to respond to concerns from individual visitors to the site and share her expertise with the community at large.

  • http://www.askjodi.net/blog/2012/06/21/are-you-making-these-top-sunscreen-mistakes/ Are you making these sunscreen mistakes? | Just Ask Jodi ... - Check your sunscreen habits for these mistakes you might be making so you don't get burned!
  • http://www.askjodi.net/blog/2013/11/06/can-babies-go-in-the-sun/ Can babies go in the sun? | Just Ask Jodi ... - Most agree that babies 6 months and younger should not go in the sun at all. Babies 6 months and older must...

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    City: -111.6133 Utah, United States

  • George - Buy it and you will find out why it is called the Gold Standard. It really earns that name.

    This is the best selling Whey Protein on Amazon and many other body building supplement sites for a reason. I have tried many other whey protein powders, some much more expensive then Optimum Nutrition. But I always come back.

  • Lydia Stone - Do not waste your money!

    Terrible product. Way to expensive for a cream that doesn't work! Brand Partners promote it to boost their income. False advertising! Please buy any other wrinkle cream, or see what your dermatologist recommends.

  • Kari Morrissey - the only thing that has worked so far!!

    I have used this product for some time now. I have gone off it at times when i have become complacent about my breath--but time and time again i continue to re order. It not only makes the breath 'not smelly'--but your breath will literally smell like strawberries after you have used it regularly for about a week. I used to never kiss my husband when we got married. I used to not talk alot around him as well--as my horrid breath would literally saturate and permeate the entire room! Now we kiss all the time and I feel so good about my breath it is like getting a confidence makeover! And I don't feel at all uncomfortable talking in 'close quarters'. I actually am excited to do so--because people will even comment--"your breath smells like strawberries" I am so proud of my fresh, sweet breath!