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  • greg mcfadden - and love the way it changes the wine

    Not gonna lie, it did arrive damaged. However, I contacted Aervana directly and they returned my email with in 24 hours and replaced the product within 5 days, no questions asked. I have now received it and used it, and love the way it changes the wine. Remember, this product is like handling a high end, crystal wine glass. Incredibly enjoyable to use, but you do have to take care when using it. It's a high end product that needs high end care, but well worth it if you just take your time when using it.

  • lisa paolangeli - Not the best product hard to use

    I bought tyme curling iron and tried to curl my hair . I watched video numerous times and my hair would not curl . It straighten my hair with s but of wave . I find a regular curling iron works best on my hair .

  • Ricardo Kussano - Good-taste music

    This album can relax your body and soul completely! Some classify Massive Attack as Trip Hop, I prefer to call it Great Music.

  • Susie's Mummy - An expensive gamble ...

    Before falling for the hype as I did, consider that many no-cost at-home exercises will work better. If you feel you MUST purchase this item -- because how can anyone suffering from miserable back pain resist writing a check for ANY amount to get rid of said pain? -- be aware that Back2Life is charging you $30 (you pay them "shipping and handling") whether you keep the contraption or not. THEN, when you've discovered it doesn't do anything but take up valuable space, is ugly to look at, and even makes matters worse (as in my case) and you want to return it, you must PAY to return it. What you end up with is a big NOTHING for $50. Believe me, any licensed, well-recommended chiropractor or physical therapist can give you a series of exercises for MOST back pain -- not all, I understand, but most -- and for serious back problems you shouldn't be using this thing anyway.

  • Rick - This cable saved the lives of our crew

    As captain of the U.S.S. Prevalent, I would like to give thanks for AudioQuest for creating a cable that saved the skins of our crew.