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  • Princhic - An Amazing Body Wash

    I used this as a body wash and I love it. It keeps me nice and soft, smells great, and has such a rich lather. I don't know about the whole losing your hair thing, but I sure don't mind if it makes my body hair fall out.

  • Angie - My lovely product

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  • Jay H. - Great for Beginners to Intermediates

    This is a great book for beginners. It is very readable and has an excellent index. It should get you up-to-speed enough to propel you to the intermediate level. This 700+ page book has lots of useful tips and shared experience. However, if you find yourself left wanting by Access' wizards and macros that don't quite do the job, you will likely find this book to be too light, when it comes to VBA coding. That being said, I found it still well worth the money--every piece of software should come with a manual this good!

  • GoGirlGo - Natural Cures is the way to go!

    There's no way around it. The nutrient natural remedy cure has become huge as people are trying to move away from pharmaceuticals which cause liver damage and have many serious side effects.

  • Kindle Customer - Bumpy road gone!

    This was a gift for Afro-American friend with bumps on his face from ingrown hairs. Saw him a week later and WOW he looked so much better. It is really amazing results. This stuff works!

  • Vanathi Senthilkumar - ... version has a lot of mistakes which makes it useless while doing the tests

    The Kindle version has a lot of mistakes which makes it useless while doing the tests. Even the numbering of the questions is random and does not match the numbering in the answer key.