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5 Stars for the price. If you look are looking for a rating comparing to other headsets, or a rating that deducts points for flaws, this is not that rating. I am just rating what you get for what you pay for. At this low a price, sacrifices had to be made. VR requires pretty demanding hardware, and that hardware is pretty expensive, so whether $400 is too much for you or not, fact is this is very cheap for what you are getting, just as a cheap house isn't necessarily cheap. Sony found the right price to offer VR that is plenty good enough for great games and a lot of fun (more fun than I hoped), while finally offering a headset at a price that is affordable for a whole lot more people than the PC and headset required for higher end VR. I haven't yet used the PS Move controllers so I can't review those, honestly I'm not too interested in those yet, but I am sure the other reports on tracking issues are accurate. Sony will need to make a new camera and new controllers for that. As for the headset tracking, it was just about flawless in the hours I have played, except when I leave the camera range but I was lazy and didn't set up the camera as effectively as I could have. The demo disc has a lot of great demos, I haven't even played a third of them yet and I am already more excited for the future of VR than I was before trying. Graphics aren't great but it doesn't ruin the fun. The graphics are good enough and I plan to get PS4 Pro later, which I'm sure will allow for higher resolution ports. Frame rate was fine. I don't know if it was 60 or what but I didn't feel like frame rates were lower than they should be. One issue is that VR, at least in some demos, blurs objects which are not in your view. I think the idea is to make it life like, as if you are not looking at them so they should be blurred.. but your eyes aren't fixed straight ahead so when you look around without moving your head the blur doesn't make sense. Your eyes naturally blur your peripherals so the headset doing it is not necessary. I'm sure this is something PS will realize and change in time. I can see myself getting nauseous if I wasn't careful, but I went in knowing the mind gets nauseous with movement it is not used to. This isn't some problem with VR. I got sick spinning on a tire swing or carousel as a kid, riding in cars for a long time while got me sick, boat rides got me sick, looking too close to a TV and spinning my characters first person view around made me sick. VR will surely get to me too until I'm used to it. I was fine with most games/experiences. I started off with slower ones, Thumper, Within, VR Worlds Ocean Exploration (think that's the name), Resident Evil 7.. and those were all fine. No nausea. But then I tested my limits it and I started the Eve Valkyrie demo. I held R1 to do a a barrel roll and my mind was actually convinced I was spinning and I immediately got a huge head rush of dizziness. It was really cool actually. You couldn't expect to get in a fighter jet, start doing barrel rolls on minute one of flying experience, and NOT get dizzy haha. If VR is tricking the mind, then it is working. I'll just have to see if exposure gets me used to it. Maybe I'll do a barrel roll once a day to build up my tolerance.
This product performed as advertised, I would recommend this to my family and friends for purchasing. I hope this was helpful.
I have been using this machine now for a couple of years and IT DOES WORK! it is better than any other lighting device for anti-aging. I have had no problems with the machine breaking down and the fine lines are totally gone around the eyes, mouth area no lines and I am approaching 60. I will use this device for the rest of my life. You do have to use it faithfully and at least the minimum time they recommend and for the rest of your life. AMAZING, AMAZING DEVICE! It is best to start as young as you can because there is no miracle product or device that can totally lift you up if you are at a point where you are heavily sagging or have very deep etched in lines.
I Live in Houston, TX and bought this to keep from having to remove my antenna before going through the car wash. Unfortunately, the reception was so poor I swapped it back to my original antenna after one trip to the store. I should have taken a little more time and read more of the reviews before buying this. I know reception is different in all places, but I thought for sure it would work in Houston. You are buying at your own risk, but if my review helps you decide, don't waste your money.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Jodie witness her mom getting murder after she discovered the other members of family dead. Now she's a prisoner. Dante was a participant in the birders and Jodie was give to him. As they spend more time together their feelings for each other grow but the mafia has plans for Jodie. Dante is determined to protect Jodie at all cost even if it means getting killed. Danger, suspend, action and love can be foun in this book recommended read.
I live in a apartment with a gas stove. the gas company wanted $200 to turn it on. I already had a George Foreman and triple slow cooker. I read the reviews and I bought it on sale. I tell you the thing is amazing. It heats up fast, the temperature change is fast and direct. The pan it self is SO non stick you dont really need oil or spray and it cleans in a snap. GREAT BUY! I bought the set and Bed Bath and Beyond