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BraceLand.TV - BraceLand | Watch Brace Land on Showtime’s Gigolos - Welcome to BraceLand, the home BraceLand Nutraceuticals offering mega dose supplements that improve your looks, how you feel, and slow the aging process.

  • BraceLand | Autographs | Lunch | Dinner | Photos | Calls | Messages - BraceLand.TV - Here’s your chance to make a special connection with Brace Land, the star of Showtime’s Gigolos. Get an autographs, arrange a call, meet for lunch or dinner, and more.
  • BraceLand | Biography | Successful Actor and Business Man - BraceLand.TV - Brace's interests are vast and include business and entertainments. He recently launched BraceLand Nutraceuticals while working on other projects.
  • BraceLand | Nutraceuticals | Feel Better | Look Younger | Slow Aging - BraceLand.TV - BraceLand Nutraceuticals are nutritional supplements with exclusive formulations that help you to feel healthier, look better, stay energized, and take care of your body.
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    Because this has so much biotin it gave me CYSTIC ACNE I've never experienced anything like it. A huge round cyst formed to the right of my nose and was unlike any acne I've ever had it was literally a cyst and did not go away for 1 MONTH! I wish I researched beforehand and knew that high amounts of Biotin are well known to cause cystic acne. Be warned! Also it did absolutely NOTHING for my hair growth or nails.

  • A. Bowen - While the book does some things well and has great ideas, the characters aren't developed and the story ...

    While the book does some things well and has great ideas, the characters aren't developed and the story is very paint by numbers.There's really nothing here you haven't read before in another, better fantasy book. It's just...uninspiring. Which is frustrating because it had potential to be so much better than it is.

  • terrygee - First the Ujal (mermen) and now the Were Dragons. I love it!!! More please!

    I loved the UJAL series and did not realize this was a continuation but with another species of the Intergalactic Dating Agency. Wow, a lot of species out there lost their women. It is a good thing we Earth Babes can reproduce like we do.