Café com Deus - CATÓLICOS, PROTESTANTES OU EVANGÉLICOS? O Café com Deus é dirigido por um grupo que se denomina seguidor de Cristo, portanto, cristão. Não valorizamos rótulos e temos entendido que a nomenclatura católico, protestante ou evangélico não representam em sua totalidade a nossa fé. Não somos contra instituições que se identifiquem com algum destes rótulos religiosos, mas entendemos que todos que se identifiquem como cristãos e se dediquem aos valores do evangelho de Jesus, independentemente de denominação, são nossos amigos de caminhada na terra.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -79.4204 Ontario, Canada

  • Carl - Great product but having issues with the device staying on ...

    Great product but having issues with the device staying on continuously and draining the batteries. Not sure if its a known issue or not but it stays running all night sometimes.

  • Roger Kiley - Great modem for cable service.

    Great modem with terrific coverage. Comcast installer said this was a great modem and works better than the one you have to pay comcast for if you do not buy your own. The four Ethernet connections allows me operate my sons game system and my internet TV without draining wireless signal. I highly recommend.

  • Kindle Customer - Now that's how you end a series!

    Good job, I was so happy that the finale left no unanswered questions. Each of the couples overcame their obstacles and in the end worked out for them. I'm glad solai put up some resistance and didn't just give in right away to Juvie, been reading some books with some weak a$$ females and I was glad she didn't fold. Great job!