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Chicago Accident Law Blog :: Published by Chicago, Illinois Accident Lawyer Edmund Scanlan - Chicago Accident Law Blog :: Published by Chicago, Illinois Accident Lawyer Edmund Scanlan

  • Physicians and Administrators Conspire at Sacred Heart Hospital :: Chicago Accident Law Blog - Physicians and Administrators Conspire at Sacred Heart Hospital :: Chicago Accident Law Blog
  • Illinois De Puy Hip Replacement Statute of Limitations :: Chicago Accident Law Blog - Illinois De Puy Hip Replacement Statute of Limitations :: Chicago Accident Law Blog
  • Traumatic Brain Injury-Release Signed-Mutual Mistake of Fact :: Chicago Accident Law Blog - Traumatic Brain Injury-Release Signed-Mutual Mistake of Fact :: Chicago Accident Law Blog

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -90.5334 Missouri, United States

  • Aubrey Koch - Very Effective

    Of all the supplements I've ever used, this has had the most profoundly positive effect on my mental energy, concentration and overall sense of well being. I noticed it's effects immediately, as did my wife. This product will be a staple in our daily supplements!

  • monicas - Don't buy this.

    It's a fraud. It is nothing like it claims, I'm currently trying to return it. It's not a simple return, therefore confirming my thoughts on it's shady tactics. Amazon should remove items like this. I use Amazon weekly, personal and work account. This makes me re-think my purchases. Especially since I have to go through red- tape to return it.

  • Amazon Customer - I love the stinky smell

    I love the stinky smell! I've only used one bottle of this so far and I found that it's not the best moisturizer - it doesn't give lasting moisturizing or heal my chapped hands the way other products do (Weleda Skin Food works best for hands but has a strong citrus smell). What I like is that it is very lightweight, not very greasy, soaks in quickly, and smells like dirt and mushrooms. I feel like I'm putting something on my body that comes directly from the earth. So when I need a super quick burst of moisturizing I put some on my elbows, knees, hands, wherever. I've put it under my eyes a few times but am not sure whether it will clog my pores so I haven't tried this regularly. If you don't have a some hippie mentality you might hate the smell. It goes away within a few minutes though.

  • aimnron - It helps, if you work!

    This is not going to work if you don't, you do have to commit. I was already on a program and had reached a plateau I could not get past. I tried everything from lowering my carbs, increasing my cardio, but nothing worked. I tried the drops as a last resort, but I wish I would have tried them sooner! I have been taking them for almost 3 weeks now and have gotten past my plateau and lost 12 more pounds. I am working out and eating basically, the HCG diet plan. These drops are great! I wish I would have found them sooner, I will definitely buy again!

  • Daniel Herrera - The Next Generation is Beautiful

    I don't even know where to begin with my review. I guess I could say that I love the Playstation 4 or that it works perfectly and I've had no issues (apart from the Playstation Network being down a bit as it was getting hammered by all the new PS4 owners). I guess I'll just do a list or Pros and Cons: