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  • Amazon Customer - IDIOT

    To pay more than five dollars for one of these tiny audio amplifiers would be the act of an incompetent idiot.

  • Dotty Bassett - Not A Good Project To Start when On A Deadline

    Last time I used Michosoft Publisher was in early '90's. It's changed A LOT since then. I was unable to figure out the things I needed/wanted to do. On a timeframe - wasn't good I attempted this while on a time frame. When I have more time to study it, I may like it better. Reserving final judgment until then.

  • teola - This is a great system. However

    This is a great system. However, the shampoo felt great when I applied it but when I rinse it out it was very drying for my 4b African American hair. Still using the garlic mask and serum

  • Luke Storey - Sceptical at first but pleasantly surprised

    I was very sceptical when buying and trying this for the first time, and perhaps even more surprised when I tried it for the second time and it worked again, confirming that it was having an effect. This product is less of what of what I would call a 'hangover' cure, but more of a feeling drunk cure. After taking it, there is a remarkable effect of feeling less drunk, with better mental clarity and motor function. It obviously cannot help the churning stomach, and the first time I took it, I struggled to keep it down, however it is absolutely worth persevering, as the next morning the only sign that I had been drinking the night before was an upset stomach.