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I got this for my mother in law she has a hard time getting around, but will not use a cane. She used to have another walking stick, but it broke so I thought this would be a good replacement. The walking stick it self is great she loves it because it has shock absorbers and doesn't hurt her hands. The only problem was that the compass at the top does not work its broke. or something. It shows north to be east so we will not be relying on that. Other than that it's an awesome walking stick. I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
into second month gained 6 lbs so far. My appitite picked up considerably. Previously I never ate nor wanted breakfast now i eat every morning.
Lucinda, Suga! This book was everything. I had to stop and pick it up because my heart was all over it.. smh Macy and Robert deserved everything they got and Joie, she was just bitter and crazy.. I'm glad Emma finally found and love as well as Tiny... thank you..
I had high jopes for this product but after 3 months have noticed 0% improvement in my hair. have since leared that many products contain fillers and give minimal results.
I have spent a large majority of my 22 years in the New Mexican sun, and while I have been very good about sunscreen the last couple of years the sun damage of my youth has caught up to me and I found myself with 3 forehead wrinkles and a scattering of freckles and sunspots. While it might seem insignificant to some I hate to think what I'd look like at 40 if I already have signs of aging.
Honestly this product really works really good I've gained 15 pounds . I've always been really thin but had a huge appetite. In 2012 I had my first son which I put on weight and I was so happy. Months after running around being a mom I lost all my baby weight . So I decided to try this & really I can now eat and eat with no limits feeling good to be feeling healthy :-). Since I have gained my ideal weight I am going to break for the pills so I do have a extra box $ 40.00 includes shipping still in box email me [email protected] serious inquiries only !!!