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Wow!!! Lzzy Hale is the best female vocalist to arrive on the rock scene within the last 25yrs. Amazing live performance that leaves you wanting more at the end. Band is extremely polishied and tight. Brother Ayejay Hale is an amazing explosive drummer that clearly shows his roots with a style that show varying degrees of Tommy Lee, John Bonham, and a little Bun E. Carlos. Listen to and watch at your own risk because this band is "Extremely" addictive. Awesome, Totally Awesome!!!!!!
Seller is separating sets and selling individual. They should have at least taken the sticker off.The grapeseed oil makes this very oily. Really not such a great deal. I will stick to Lubriderm or aquafor.
I had to return this because it had a scratch but they took it with no questions asked and gave my money back