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The average person will learn a lot of how the drug companies are profiting at our expense and ruining our bodies at the same time. Using this info I found out that the pills I was taking were doing more harm than good and I really needed to do just the opposite and once I did I was fine shortly after which is something the pills the doctor prescribed hadn't done in a year. (Prilosec) I bought a big bottle of stomach acid pills with pepsin and relieved all my symptoms and didn't pay 20-40 bucks a month anymore to kill myself. Its a very enlightening book for anyone with acid reflux or chronic heartburn problems. The medical profession needs to read this and quit listening to the pharmacy companies that are raping the American public with pills and lies, and doing it knowingly!! Billions of dollars are spent to rid our bodies of stomach acid when its been proven 80% of those taking those pills have too little acid in the first place which is the problem and the pills exacerbate the problem with long term use as it did me. Plus the doctors don't tell you that long term use of Prilosec and other acid reducing pills can give you a disease of chronic diarrhea for which there is no cure but they will make a fortune treating you for!! Should be required reading in medical school! UPDATE; I have quit using acid reducers and haven't been bothered by heartburn or reflux in months. I don't even have to take the acid with pepsin anymore. Seems like my system has evened out and regulated itself now that I'm not confusing it with the acid reducers anymore. I bet your doctor never checked your stomach acid levels before prescribing acid reducers blindly as mine did.....he still hasn't because I took care of it myself with this book's help!!
Save your money. Not only is this useless as a razor, but why pay for batteries, when you get better results with a bladed razor. The great thing about the light, it really shows just what the razor failed to do. Even if I was only trying to cut one particular hair, the light showed me it was clearly still there.
Twice better than last year's just dance 2015. Look like they put a lot more effort into the game this year and its got twice the amount of songs. We get our winter workout indoors while having fun.. their just dance unlimited subscription for additional cash is a rip off and I don't see it catching on the long run.. they should have just instead sold a special edition with additional song for a higher price. Also maybe like a practice mode or slow mo for us slow learners? Overall we're happy and if you like music and/or dancing so will you.
Funny, but although I don;t write any paper checks any more, I prefer to keep a written record of my electronic debits. The problem is, it's hard to find reasonably priced check registers without buying blank checks! If you are like me, these fill the bill perfectly!
These wheel covers fit just fine. They don't look quite as good as the Toyota OEM covers (especially if you are fond of logos), but they are well worth the price. Good value for what we paid. I would buy them again.