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EUROJURIS International | The leading network of European Law firms / Lawyers / Attorneys - As a client of an EUROJURIS law firm, you will have access to a worldwide legal network, where your lawyer can either contact the appropriate lawyer abroad on your behalf, or provide you with the details about the legal practitioners you need to contact.

  • About us | EUROJURIS International - Our objective is to provide companies, corporations, public authorities and private clients with direct legal advice and local representation worldwide.
  • Membership | EUROJURIS International - Eurojuris International has been a leading network of independent law firms in Europe since 1992. With some 600 firms and about 5 000 lawyers, we cover 650 cities in about 50 countries worldwide. The main objective of Eurojuris International is to provide its member firms with a unique international legal network that meets the growing demands of clients.
  • Jurismus | EUROJURIS International - Jurismus International: Leading Network of young lawyers (Lawyers under 40) Jurismus is an international association of active young lawyers employed in one of the 650 Eurojuris law firms. 
  • Eurojuris Job Market project | EUROJURIS International - Have you ever complained about the poor response to your job add or experienced great difficulties in finding the right candidate for a new job opening?
  • Meet Cristina von Holzen - President of Eurojuris Switzerland | EUROJURIS International - Recently appointed President of our Swiss network, Cristina von Holzen has been thriving as a lawyer for the past 15 years.
  • Doing business in Israel - land of highly competitive lawyers | EUROJURIS International - Israel is a small country with a small economy, surrounded by hostile neighbours and facing constant geopolitical uncertainties...
  • Michael Proksch elected President of Eurojuris International | EUROJURIS International - Michael Proksch, Partner at Proksch & Partner (Vienna, Austria) was elected President of Eurojuris International last week at the Eurojuris International congress in Prague.
  • Eurojuris Deutschland Generalversammlung 2016 | EUROJURIS International - Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Eurojuris-Mitglieder,   hiermit möchte ich Sie sehr herzlich im Namen des gesamten Vorstands sowie des Geschäftsstellenleiters Herrn Christian Veh zur diesjährigen Eurojuris-Generalversammlung einladen, die in der Zeit vom   28.10.2016 bis 29.10.2016 in Hamburg (Hotel Barcelo)   stattfindet.  
  • Limitation of liability for the seller | EUROJURIS International - Limitation of liability for the seller   A paper co-authored by the members of the EUROJURIS INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS & LITIGATION Group September 2016

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  • AZGeorge - Must read, even for Non- political junkies !

    This book should be a MUST READ ! Despite Mr. Balz "left" leanings, he writes regularly for the Washington Post, he provides an incredibly insightful story, with an appropriate amount of balance. The significance of the story is both it's political and sociological impact. Mr. Balz's appears to outline, quite well, the significant changes in social media, Twitter did not exist in the '08 election, combined with the sociological subtext of whether President Obama is truly a "transformational" political figure or whether his support team discerned the significance of data-mining before anyone else. He does a substantially better job of accessing both sides of the story, Obama and Romney, than Woodword, for example, who's sources seem uneven.You need not be a "political junkie" to find fascinating the potential shift in American voting patterns, as Hispanic's, a growing minority, appear to be heavily leaning democratic, while whites continue to stick to the republican mantra.Here again, is it unique to Mr. Obama, or a philosophical move toward different principles. A somewhat disturbing theme is the reliance on "data-mining", particularly in light of the current NSA revelations. It appears that political parties now have access to historical voting records, which if true, is highly unsettling. 5 Stars + on all fronts !!

  • BJ welch - Good stuff

    Just ordered for third time. Worked once before for a friend and also worked once for myself. Hopefully this third time ends in another success

  • M. Manning - I love the product I thought it was hype in the ...

    I love the product I thought it was hype in the beginning but as long as you eat right and exercise it works really well. for the first week I ate whatever I wanted and took a break from working out. I saw a little bit of results but when I added some activity I seemed to com off a lot faster. plus I have more energy. I am not sure it works for everyone because everyone is different but I will definitely order it again.

  • Orville Finnigan - Buy It at TaxACT Directly

    I have yet to use this package but after getting it downloaded my recommendation is to buy the package directly at the TaxACT site to avoid problems with the state download that is included. It is the same price at TaxACT and I ran into all types of problems to ultimately get the state program that I wanted. The Amazon site only gets you the Federal download and provides no help or guidance on then getting the state download. I ultimately got the state download I wanted but it took 10 days and several emails with TaxACT to get this accomplished.

  • LuLu - Excellent

    The CRV Weather Tech Floor protectors have exceeded my expectations!! They fit as though they came with the vehicle.

  • Frole - Worked for 09 Tacoma

    Very pleased with this remote. My old one when out on my 09 Tacoma. Their website didn't support my specific vehicle so I checked YouTube and they had several videos on how to reprogram the remote to my car.