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  • George Schiro - Fish Oil or Snake Oil? - No Good for Headaches

    This product is heavily touted as an "anti-inflammatory". The OmegaXL representative I spoke to explicitly told me that it is effective as a headache preventative. In fact, she claimed to use it herself for that purpose. She was so sure that if only I had faith in her product and gave it a serious try, it would work for me too. I was willing to try anything at that point. So I did.

  • Richard Trinh - Recipes vs CookBook

    Most of the recipes in this book seem like they were copied over from the Visual Studio 2005 version. Granted I don't have the 2005 version but I wanted to see more examples using Lambda Expressions and leveraging other .NET 3.X/4.0 features. Although this does leave the book backwards compatible with previous versions of .NET

  • Audrey - Very pleasantly surprised

    Like some other reviewers, I had stopped buying the annual editions. This has renewed my faith that the short story is alive and well. It has a wonderful balance of humor and emotion.

  • Anona Muss - Best night-time tea

    This is my must have tea every night before bed. I'm relaxed after 1 or 2 cups. I think it's more effective than all of the other "bedtime" teas.

  • BrewBabe - Love our QuickBooks Pro

    Easy to install, easy to migrate data from one version to another, some nice new features, and it doesn't require you to have access to wifi to use the application. Cheaper at the time, than the Intuit website was trying to sell it for. The product key is under a scratchoff. Intuit tried to tell me that amazon was selling items with product key already in use. Nice try Intuit.