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Please be careful if you are sensitive to MSG. Question? WHy would they put MSG in this anyway when MSG has been virtually removed from processed foods and Chinese food due to so many people suffering from severe adverse effects?
I purchased this product at the advice of a co-worker. My boyfriend and I live in an older duplex that has garnered a roach population in the kitchen. I went out this morning and picked up 2 gels. Two was enough for half of my kitchen. My kitchen is small, but I gutted EVERYTHING out of ALL of my cabinets and drawers and applied the gel in every stinking crevice that I could. I noticed 3 nest type areas; behind the microwave, under sink close to my dishwasher and all of the hoses leading from the dishwasher to the sink, and behind our keurig and blender...all very dark, small, wet places. I used lots of product in these areas.
This is an excellent iphone screen protector. I have used several different brands and types of screen protectors before but most of them simply are scratch guards. I witnessed my friend's phone fall from a 4 feet height on to a concrete floor and when she picked it up the screen was shattered. She seemed rather unfazed by it and a few seconds later she peeled off this screen protector. That's when I knew that I had to get the same exact one she had since I drop my phone a lot!! I searched for it here on Amazon and luckily even found one with a discount. I give this product 5 stars because I have actually seen it 'protect' an iphone screen.