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  • ARBE - Good idea, poor execution

    My wife loves her roombas, yes roombas - we have owned 5 of these (one is actually a scooba). While not as effective as a full sized vacuum, they do pick up a lot of dirt and pet hair. Unfortunately, they are unreliable. Every one we have owned has ceased to function within 2-3 years. The rechargeable batteries in the roomba go bad after 12 - 14 months and cost $90 to replace. The sensors get clogged with dust and dirt and need to be cleaned with compressed air once a month. The units then fail altogether and need to be replaced every 2- 3 years. All that and these babies are $300 - $500 a piece. Over a 20 year period, you might have to replace as many as 10 of these. The most expensive Dyson is $650 and will probably last 20 years - no, I don't own a Dyson, but my wife's Hoover is 22 years old and works fine.

  • dranger - Results...Yes

    I work out 5-6 days per week, cardio and resistance, but because of my schedule, I find it hard to work out my abs. This is a great product that you can really feel working. I especially feel the flex and soreness in my obliques. Understand the price is a little high for a device. However, the results will change your mind. The pads wear a little faster than advertised. But in the end, you'll feel the results from this device. Keep in mind though that in order to see your abs, you will need to get your bodyfat down to 10% or less. Still, your core muscles will be stronger. And you can do all this by watching football on your couch.