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  • Baby Boomer retirement counseling, investment, estate planning, elder care - Baby Boomer, retirement planning counseling, attorney, investment planning, estate planning, health, elder care

    Country:, North America, US

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  • Mike - Very Happy!

    I had SA USA 2005. Tried MS couldn't get the hang of it. SA is very user friendly. I use it to plot out trips, get mileages, etc. VERY easy to make changes, take different routes. I like the product and am very happy with it. I don't use the GPS function, although I did with the original one, found it awkward to use my lap top while driving.

  • Mike - Beware

    This product does not work at all!!! I followed the directions exactly and did multiple drug tests myself to see if it works! I failed four! I would call it the most expensive grape KoolAid in the world! Do not risk it!!! RIPOFF

  • Andrew McLauchlan - These knee sleeves are great for anyone that has had knee problems or are ...

    These knee sleeves are great for anyone that has had knee problems or are lifting a lot of weight for squats or deadlifts. When you first get this product it will have a really strong rubber smell. I would recommend washing them by themselves before use to try and reduce the smell. I washed them for the first time with the rest of my laundry and the smell kind of just got transferred to my clothes so I had to run the wash a couple extra times to get rid of the smell from everything. The logo will come off pretty quickly but that doesn't bother me at all. These sleeves kept my knees warm and reduced the soreness in my knees during all of my sets. The first time I used them I got a personal record squat so I am definitely a believer in this product.


    One of the best Running shoes ive owned in my entire lifetime, i just bought a pair of nike free 5.0 100 dollar shoes, and it wasnt as good as these shoes. The shoes itself provided outstanding support and i could feel it rock me forward while running, and are very durable (lasted me for more than half a year and i run at least 25 miles a month and i use it on a daily basis for regular wear). My suggestion is to try these shoes out at the store first then buy it online cause shoe sizes aren't really universal for most shoe brands.

  • Oliver - Nice Scent; Adds Some Shine

    I think this makes my hair a tiny bit shinier and fluffy. It smells like cucumber shower gel. Not sure if I'll buy again due to the price. My hair has always been thick anyway and shiny.

  • AmazonFan - it lulled my son into believing he was better prepared than he actually was

    The material and test are NOT A REPRESENTATION of what is on the actual Subject Test! My son scored an 800 on all the sample tests, but took the real test this weekend and had never seen a significant amount of the material on it. Not only did the Kaplan book not accurately represent the material to expect on the test, it lulled my son into believing he was better prepared than he actually was. Considering how hard he worked to prepare for the test, this book was not only disappointing, it falsely advertised.

  • Harley Mike - Must-read for managers and executives

    This is a must read for managers and executives. We all need to be reminded of what the actual goal(s) are of our respective organizations. It's shockingly easy to forget as a result of the many distractions we encounter daily.